2021-2022 Expected Outcomes

Budget & Resources

AASL Standards Framework for School Libraries

Inquire, Grow: The school library ensures an inquiry-based process for learners by: 2. Reinforcing the role of the school library, information, and technology resources in maximizing institutional effectiveness.

Include, Think: The school library supports balanced perspectives through resources and learning opportunities by: 3. Providing a comprehensive variety of resources.

Include, Create: The library represents all members and their place in a global learning community by: 1. Establishing and maintaining a collection of reading and information materials in formats that support the diverse developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of the range of learners and their communities.

Include, Grow: The school library builds empathy and equity within the global learning community by: 1. Ensuring that all learning needs are met through access to information and ideas located in a diverse collection of sufficient size for the learner population and supported by reliable hardware and software.

Curate, Think: The school library provides problem-based learning experiences and environments by: 1. Using resources and technology to foster inquiry and scaffold mastery of skills necessary for learning to progress, 2. Adopting a dynamic collection development plan to ensure that adequate resources reflect current and in-depth knowledge, and 3. Focusing on the effective use of a wide range of resources to foster information skills appropriate to content areas.

Curate, Create: The school library promotes selection of appropriate resources and tools for information use by: 1. Demonstrating and documenting how resources and technology are used to address information needs, 2. Providing opportunities for all members of the school community to develop information and technology skills needed to promote the transfer of information-related problem-solving strategies across all disciplines, 3. Employing a dynamic collection policy that includes selection and retention criteria for all materials within the collection, 4. Implementing an administratively approved and endorsed policy that clearly addresses procedures for handling material challenges, and 5. Designing and providing adequate, appropriate space for library resources, services, and activities.

Curate, Share: The school library facilitates the contribution and exchange of information within and among learning communities by: 1. Providing an environment in which resources that support the school’s curriculum and learning goals can be collaboratively selected and developed, 2. Including tracking collection materials in a system that uses standardized approaches to description and location, 3. Establishing policies that promote effective acquisition, description, circulation, sharing, and access to resources within and beyond the school day, and 4. Maintaining procedures that ensure user confidentiality and promote unimpeded access to materials by staff members and learners.

Curate, Grow: The school library engages the learning community in exploring resources by: 1. Describing, organizing and promoting the collection for maximum and effective uses for multiple learning applications, 2. Maintaining a collection of sufficient breadth and currency to be pertinent to the school’s program of studies, 3. Supporting access through a schedule that allows use by learners and staff at time of need, and 4. Using local and external data to inform ongoing adjustments to the scope of the resource collection, and its audiences, formats, and applications.

Explore, Think: The school library supports learners’ personal curiosity by: 1. Providing resources and strategies for inquiry-based processes, and 2. Fostering opportunities for learners to demonstrate personal curiosity and creation of knowledge through engaging with a wide variety of resources and technology.

Future Ready Librarians Framework

Invests Strategically in Digital Resources: Leverages an understanding of school and community needs to identify and invest in digital resources to support student learning.

ISTE Standards for Educators

Leader 2c: Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.

North Carolina Digital Teaching & Learning Competencies

Digital Content and Instruction: Teachers will know and use appropriate digital tools and resources for instruction.

North Carolina School Library Media Coordinator Professional Standards

Standard 1, Element c: School library media coordinators advocate for effective media programs.

Standard 3, Element a: School library media coordinators develop a library collection that supports 21st Century teaching and learning.

2021-2022 MTAC

Carla Jernigan-Baker, Principal

Sharon Cuffee-Intervention

Melody Solomon- SAU/High School Social Studies

Shannon Lowry- MS ELA/Social Studies

Courtney Cornwright-MS Math/Science