Français 3: Cours

Bienvenue ! Welcome to the AFHS French 3 Website

the one-stop shop for all things French 3 at Apex Friendship

Access the daily agendas and unit agendas, which include assignment names, due dates, and necessary links.

All assignments will be given and completed on Google Classroom unless otherwise stated. See the syllabus for your course's Classroom code.

Note: Only students in the WCPSS domain may join the Google Classroom. For parent access, please contact the Teacher of Record for your student to be added as a guardian.

Daily Agenda

Click on the link to access each week's folder, which includes daily agendas.

Unit Agenda

Click on the link to access each unit's agenda, which gives an overview of each of the assignments given
along with due dates.

Unit 1: Soyons dans notre assiette : la santé et le stress
Unit 2: Ça se fête : les célébrations
Unit 3: Amitié 2.0
Unit 4: Il n'y a pas de planète B : l'environnement
Unit 5: Metro, Boulot, Dodo : le travail

Course Resources

See the links below to access the necessary resources for French 3 at AFHS.

Teacher Contact

**If you have questions about grades or attendance in PowerSchool, please go to Google Classroom and submit the form for this purpose. The teacher of record will contact you and/or correct the issue at hand. Such issues will not be addressed unless this form is submitted.**

Teacher Schedules

Schedule an appointment with Madame Probst by clicking on this link and selecting your desired date, then select one of the "Office" boxes at the top of the schedule to claim a five-minute slot. Request multiple slots if you would like to shedule a longer meeting. In order to schedule a meeting outside of regular office hours, please refer to her hours of availability on the calendar, then email her your preferred time.

Schedule an appointment with Madame Folger by clicking on this link and selecting your desired date, then select one of the "Office" boxes at the top of the schedule to claim a five-minute slot. Request multiple slots if you would like to shedule a longer meeting. In order to schedule a meeting outside of regular office hours, please refer to her hours of availability on the calendar, then email her your preferred time.

School Schedule