Welcome to West Lake Elementary AIG/IG/AG/Talent Development/Enrichment

SSA Testing Information - Click the Link Below

2nd Grade CogAT and Iowa Testing

CogAT - March 11, 12 & 13

Iowa - April 24 & 25

Mrs. Lauren Roy

This is my 16th-ish year of teaching (minus a little time off with my children).  I am passionate about working with children and helping them to learn new and exciting things!  I have taught 4th grade, 5th grade, 2nd grade and Pre-K-5th grade science.  I decided to receive my certification in the area of AIG to help students and teachers with more challenging activities that keep ALL minds engaged at ALL times!

In my free time, I love spending time with my family (Camden, 12 and Lila Grace 10) along with my sweet Golden-doodle, Sadie.  We love to travel and are Disney fanatics.  We will be traveling back and forth from ECU in the fall for some PIRATE FOOTBALL!  

Phone: 919-662-2300

Follow us on Twitter: @MrsRoyWLES_AIG

Follow us on Twitter/"X": @WLES_AIG 

The Academically and Intellectually Gifted Program provides a challenging educational program for students who perform, or show potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment.

More information can be found on the WCPSS website.

2022-2025 Family Brochure.pdf

Wake County and N.C. Community Resources

Duke Pre-College Programs provide motivated current 6th-11th grade students with experiential learning and academic experiences in a university setting. Building on the legacy programs such as Duke Youth Programs and the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP), Duke Pre-College Programs inspire and challenge the next generation of thinkers and leaders while offering them a glimpse into the opportunities for their future. 

The North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented (NCAGT) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the educational and social-emotional needs of academically and/or intellectually gifted students.  

Listen to “They’ll Be Fine’ to learn more about what you can do to ensure that your Gifted and Talented Scholars are provided the resources they need to thrive. 

National Gifted and Talented Associations

NAGC (National Association for Gifted Children) is the nation's leading organization focused on the needs of gifted and talented children. Dedicated to uplifting and empowering those who support children with advanced abilities, NAGC provides energizing professional learning, impactful research, and inspiring advocacy to ensure all children have equitable opportunities and support to develop their gifts and talents. 

SENG is a nonprofit network of people who guide gifted, talented, and twice-exceptional individuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. 

The Association for the Gifted (TAG), a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), embraces and supports the needs of students with gifts and talents, focusing on multi-exceptional and other diverse learners through advocacy, professional learning, and resources. 

Is your child interested in coding?

 Coding supports creativity by providing individuals a platform to express their unique ideas through programming languages.  It enables users to solve problems innovatively, encouraging experimentation and out-of-the-box thinking.  I have personally seen my son grow in his creative problem-solving abilities through participating in programming at Code Ninjas.

 Check out these local businesses that support creativity through coding!

Code Ninjas is unlike anything your child has experienced before. Thousands of our Ninjas enter our Dojos daily to learn to code on our proprietary learning platform. Your child will join like-minded students, and together, they will tackle fun and engaging problems.

Zebra Robotics seeks to inspire the next generation of students to be confident and knowledgeable team players who strive to solve many of the world’s challenges using technology. 

Coder Dojo Apex NC is a volunteer-led digital making and coding club with a mission to inspire children to learn, make and express with technology.