Curriculum Corner

Literacy Block consists of:

2 hours per day /5 days a week, of content-based literacy:■ Module lessons (60 minutes of daily instruction): explicitly to teach and formally assess all standards and strands of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language

Guiding Questions and Big Ideas

How do writers capture a reader’s imagination?

Authors show, not tell, how a character feels through dialogue and description. Authors choose words and phrases for effect to help readers imagine they are in the story.

What can we learn from reading literary classics?

Literary classics are told in different ways over time. Literary classics can show how things have changed since the time they were written.Readers have differing opinions about the texts they read and support their opinions

We will be reading Peter Pan


Quarter 3 Unit 6 Applying the Operations of area and perimeter

    • This unit develops students’ understanding of area and perimeter. The majority of this unit will focus on developing a conceptual understanding of area, and then give children experiences to solidify this understanding by applying their knowledge of area to solve real-world problems. Students will find the perimeter of a polygon by adding the side lengths and find the length of an unknown side.

Unit 7 Understanding Fractions as part of a Whole

  • This unit focuses on building student’s understanding of unit fractions. Within the lessons, students learn the following: fractional parts must be equal sized; as the number of pieces increase the size of the piece decreases; the size of a fractional part is relative to the whole; the denominator represents the number of equal parts; and the numerator counts the number of equal parts.
  • Students will also represent fractions using visual models and number lines. Within this unit, students focus on understanding equivalence and how to represent equivalence with fractions.
  • This unit also focuses on building students’ ability to compare fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about the size of the fraction. This work focuses around comparing fractions from the same sized whole. Students will use the symbols >, <, and = to explain the comparison they are making between two fractions.

Learning Targets

Students will recognize the major components and patterns observed in the Earth/Moon/Sun system.

Key Concept 1: On Earth we live in a system called the Solar System.

The Solar System includes one star (the Sun), many moons, planets including Earth, and other objects There are eight planets in our Solar System. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The objects in the Solar System revolve around the Sun.

Key Concept 2: The Sun is one of the stars visible from Earth. The Sun appears to move in a consistent pattern across the sky. From Earth, groups of stars (constellations) appear to move in consistent patterns.

Key Concept 3: Earth has one moon which is part of the Solar System. Earth’s moon appears to move in a consistent pattern across the sky. The Solar System has many moons.

Key Concept 4: Earth revolves around the Sun and rotates on its axis. Earth revolves around the Sun in a consistent pattern. As the Earth rotates, shadows are created by objects that block light from the Sun. The length and direction of shadows on Earth change as the Sun changes its apparent position in the sky during the day (or as Earth rotates).

Economics and Financial Literacy


Student will understand that...

  • Prices, location and access to resources often facilitates or weakens economic growth in regions. This dictates the economic choices of individuals.. (Ex. careers, leisure activities, foods, manufactured products, etc.)
  • Due to abundance or lack of resources, people’s decisions to locate, develop and make use of natural resources in particular regions will influence economic development.
  • People may pursue entrepreneurship as a means to ensure economic independence as well as to are to serve their community, financial
  • security, stable income, or to be their own boss, among others.

Learning Targets:

  • How does the location of resources impact the price of resources?
  • How does access to resources impact the economy and influence a person's decision to settle in a particular region or area?
  • Why do people become entrepreneurs?