
Identification for 3rd graders takes place over the course of the third grade year, and may extend into the beginning of fourth grade once EOG scores are available.

Quarter 1 - All 3rd grade students participate in the Explorers program with the entire class and/or small group instruction.

Quarter 2- The Explorers program continues . CogAT testing will take place in November. All third grade students take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Scores are returned for the CogAT and distributed to parents as soon as they are available. In December, students who score at the 85th percentile on a subtest or composite of the CogAT take the Iowa Assessments, with parent permission.

Quarter 3 - Scores from the Iowas are returned and distributed to parents as soon as they are available. The AIG Nomination/Referral/Identification Process continues throughout the quarter.

Quarter 4 - AIG service begins for identified students. Students receive services in ELA and/or mathematics.