Maker Spaces

Creating a Makerspace

If you are thinking about creating a makerspace in your school, library or classroom, remember that makerspace is less of a "space" and more of an opportunity. A makerspace has no predetermined design. There is no prescribed list of items required to create a makerspace and no ideal budget. A makerspace is a "place" to inspire creativity, develop critical thinking skills, encourage collaboration and practice communication skills. While there is no startup blueprint for a makerspace, you can find resources and suggestions in our planning and processes documents.

Planning and Processes

We have compiled a folder of documents that will be helpful in planning a successful makerspace. Browse these documents for ideas and inspiration.

Professional Development

The key to a successful makerspace is professional development. So where do you start? First, determine your or your staff's professional learning needs. Do you know how to teach the 4C's? Do you need professional learning in designing 4C activities? Do you need tool training to successfully implement lessons? If you don't know where to start, request a maker mentor to guide you through the process. Our team also offers professional learning on the 4C's and integration of 4C activities. For more information, check out the professional learning opportunities for you or your school.

Great Reads for Makerspaces!

The Kickstart Guide to Making Great Makerspaces

by Laura Fleming

The Nerdy Teacher Presents: Your Starter Guide to Make Spaces

by Nicholas Provenzano

Makerspaces in School

by Lacy Brejcha

Makerspace Ideas