Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy:

Students need a note for an excused absence from school. In the event of an absence from Spanish class, the student will need to follow these guidelines:

  • Go to the "Mientras estabas ausente.." folder in the Spanish classroom and see if there were any paper-and-pencil assignments/assessments from the day you missed. You should do this as soon as you enter the Spanish classroom on the day of your return.
  • Go to Google Classroom and see if you missed an online assignment. You should do this while you are still out of school, especially if the deadline is before you will return to school. If you have questions or feel you cannot do the assignment without further instructions, email me.
  • You will have one day for each day you were absent to make up the work.

Tardy Policy

Students must arrive on time to Spanish class. Tardiness means lost instructional time for all students in the class; the entrance causes distraction and a waste of time having to "catch up" the person who arrived late.

School policy dictates the consequences for tardies:

  • 1st tardy: Warning
  • 2nd tardy: Parent Contact with documented response from parent
  • 3rd tardy: Refer student to Student Services, and teacher assigns lunch detention
  • 4th tardy: Administrative referral, teacher assigns ISS lunch
  • 5th tardy: Administrative referral, Administrator assigns 2 days of ISS lunch
  • 6th tardy: Administrative referral, Administrator assigns ASD