Module 4

Screen Time and the Developing Brain

Anchor Text

Growing up Digital by Matt Richtel

Below is a brief description of each unit we will cover in this module.

Click the units below to find copies of assignments and other information

Students will be reading various texts to build background knowledge about the adolescent brain development in general. Their learning will center around three areas of the brain, namely the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system, and the developing nuerons. Students will determine main ideas and evidence in diverse media to clarify their learning about this complex text. Then they begin to focus on the issue of screen time and how it may affect teenagers.

In unit 2, students begin to read argumentative texts. They trace arguments and evaluate the soundness of reasoning and the sufficiency and relevancy of evidence in the texts and media that they engage with in this unit. They dive deeper into first the potential benefits and then the potential risks of screen time by participating in a robust research project. To organize their research sources and information, students use a researcher's notebook. Then they will conduct internet-based research.

In unit 3, students will round our their knowledge on the brain and screen time with a performance task.