
Panther Creek High School Dance

Course Syllabus and Class Expectations


Heather Harris PC Dance Website:


I will use Talking Points and email to communicate with parents and Remind, email, and Google Classroom to communicate with students.

Remind Updates: Spring Beg. Dance pd1: pcdance1sp

Dance Company pd2: pcdncco21

Spring Dance Ensemble pd4: pcensemble

Sign up on, on the Remind app or by texting the class code to 81010; make sure you indicate- student

Google Classroom: Spring Beg. Dance pd1: c3hdanp

Dance Company pd2: lab4jim

Spring Dance Ensemble (2/3) pd4: uyghkgi

Dance Attire:

Dress out clothes: Yoga or dance pants, dance or athletic shorts, sweatpants, or leggings AND Fitted t-shirt or dance/exercise top (no bare midriffs). In all videos submitted for feedback or grades, dancers must be in proper dance attire/ dress out clothes to receive full credit.

Course Objectives:

  1. To develop Modern dance technique focusing on proper alignment, strength, flexibility, and endurance

  2. To learn basic dance terminology

  3. To learn the history of Modern dance choreographers and artistic processes

  4. To further develop understanding of the art form by viewing, creating, and performing dance

  5. To develop critical thinking skills through reflection and choreography projects

  6. To gain confidence and insight into one’s own identity as a dancer and artist

What will we do ( Virtually and/or In-Person):

  1. Learn dance technique and dance sequences/ combinations in LIVE meetings

  2. Solo choreography and group work

  3. Journaling and reflection

  4. Dance terminology

  5. Written and performance based assessments


Major Assessments: 60% (includes projects, written tests, performance assessments)

Minor Assessments: 40% (includes reflective essays, classwork, and dance “check-ins”) any check-in turned in after the performance assessment is due can only earn a maximum score of 60 since the purpose of the check-in is for feedback to improve for the performance assessment.


If you miss a live class, it is your responsibility to check Classroom and learn the dance from the video posted or complete the posted assignment. Then, email or send a Remind message to Mrs. Harris that you have learned from the video or turned in the assignment to receive credit for the missed class.

Virtual Learning Expectations:

  1. Join Google Classroom and Remind for important updates

  2. Attend Live meets to learn choreography, ask questions, participate in discussions, and work in groups when assigned

  3. Wear appropriate clothes for movement (see Dance Attire for description)

  4. Be engaged and follow along with Instructor

  5. Cameras on with the Instructor pinned during instruction

  6. You may change your background in Meet

  7. During class/ active instruction the chat is to be used for questions only unless otherwise instructed

  8. Do not video or photograph any part of the meet. Videos will be provided by the Instructor for practice purposes. Videoing on your own violates the privacy of your classmates and will be treated as a discipline issue

  9. Be an active participant in class and in groups

  10. Turn in your work when it is due

  11. Appreciate your classmates' strengths and the diversity of this class!