Northwoods Media Center

About Mrs. Vaughn

Hello Koalas! My name is Renee Vaughn, and this is my 17th year at Northwoods as the School Library Media Coordinator (Media Specialist). I live in Raleigh with my husband and my two sons. The youngest is a 1st grader, and the oldest is a 4th grader here at Northwoods. I like to cook, jog, do yoga, listen to music, craft, do jigsaw puzzles, and (of course) read!Β 

I love working at Northwoods and helping students and teachers find great books to read. I also like helping with technology. It is exciting to learn and teach new things!

And my little green friend is Mr. Worm. He is our media center mascot, and he loves to read. I hope that you do too!Β