3rd Grade

Remote Learning

Learning music remotely can be fun! Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Join my Third Grade Music Google Classroom through your Wake ID portal. You should have gotten an invitation from me to join in your email. If not, please as your classroom teacher for the code. You only have to join once, then you will see the class pop up every time you enter Google Classroom from your Wake ID Portal.

  2. On your music day during specials (11:10-11:30), click the Google Meet link from your Google Music Classroom in the top left corner of the page for a fun interactive lesson.

  3. When you exit the live lesson at 11:30, go to your assignments in the classroom (make sure you find your specific class under the "topic" headings) and complete a short assignment. Sometimes the assignment will have work to turn in, and sometimes it won't. Make sure you always click "turn it in" when there is something due, or "mark as done" when there isn't.

Music Activity Websites

Music Movement Videos and Sing-alongs

Digital Music Creation


Use rhythm sticks or clapping and see how far you can get.

Test your syncopation skills!

These are fun to play with the whole family.

Learning Videos

The House of Sound videos for each family of instruments are great! Watch all four!

This is a great video to test yourself on musical instruments and how they sound.

The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra by Benjamin Britten. Listen once, then the second time, open up this listening map while listening to just the theme and see if you can follow along.

A Musical Journey to instruments and folk music from around the world.