

  • Homework = Additional Practice
  • A weekly packet will be given on Mondays and due on Fridays- the packet will typically include reading that reflects what we have been learning in our curriculum
  • Math practice sheets will be sent home every night unless the students completed a math test on that day
  • Incomplete homework is reflected in Work Habits grades on student report cards
  • Homework is an extension of what has been taught in class; students should be able to do homework on their own
  • Everything taught in class will be reflected on the EOGs and homework is practice of these skills
  • If homework is not turned in and no note is given, students will have to move their clip to Yellow for Responsibility


Clip Chart:

  • We will have a clip chart in our room that relates to the SOAR Characteristics: Show Respect, Order and Safety, Awesome Attitude, and Responsibility. Students will always start their day on Green. They have the opportunity to move up to blue and they can earn SOAR cards for amazing behavior. If they move their clip down to Yellow, this is a warning. You may have to move your clip down for not showing respect to the classroom teacher or other students or for not turning in your homework. If students move their clip down to Red, there will be some form of a parent contact either through email or Class Dojo.

Think Sheet:

  • If students land on either Yellow or Red during the day, they will have to fill out a Think Sheet. This sheet has them explain what area of SOAR they need to work on and what they can do differently next time.