Extra practice


Reading A-Z is a great app that I use with my students. Each student has their own account with links to books that are matched to their reading level. You will need to download the Reading A-Z app (it looks like the icon in the picture). When asked the name of your class, type in "adamsesk". Then your child can select their name and enter their password (they should know this). Comprehension questions are listed at the end of each story. Download it from your app store.

Boom Learning is an awesome app where students can work on assigned targeted skills. I have used this many times in my classroom. Students have been assigned a user name and password. Check their Google Drive folder for log-in details. Download is from your app store.

Practice Your Typing! These are 2 free websites that I have found that can be helpful for teaching your child how to type.

1) Typetastic - https://typetastic.com/

2) Dance Mat - https://www.dancemattypingguide.com/

Scholastic has put out an amazing resource for parents and students to use, and the best part? It's absolutely free. Scholastic is providing daily learning opportunities for Pre-K - 6+ students. Each lesson has your student reading, discovering, and exploring engaging topics. Stay tuned as they plan to release more free daily lessons in the coming days. Click the picture for the link.

Storyline includes videos of popular actors (Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Betty White) reading children's books. The videos show the actors reading and also feature colorful and engaging stories and illustrations. Click the picture for the link.

Vooks is another online reading library where students can listen to some of their favorite books and follow along with the text. The videos feature colorful illustrations and engaging stories. Click the picture for the link.

Here are some online math manipulative to help make completing math assignments a little easier.