Welcome to Ms. Derrow's First Semester OCS Classes 2023 - 2024

   Teacher: Ms. Craig Derrow        

Email:   cderrow@wcpss.net

Instructional Assistant:        Mrs. Bullard 

Course(s): Period 2: ENG IV NCVPS

    Period 3: Applied Science NCVPS

    Period 4: Prep II and IV

                Learning Platform: Canvas/NCVPS

Office Hours: Available upon Request 

           Weekly Email:  Each week I will send out an email to students and parents to                   let them know what we learned in each class during the week. You can access                    the weekly email by clicking "weekly email" in the top-right menu bar. 


Wakefield High School Honor Code

The students of Wakefield High School are committed to being honest and responsible in the

completion of academic materials and interactions with the school administration and community.

Cheating, stealing, plagiarism (passing off another’s work, words, or ideas as one’s own), and lying

(including willful distortion or misrepresentation) are considered violations of the Honor Code.

Through a joint fulfillment of this code, students and faculty will achieve their fullest potential in

academic excellence and character.

Classroom Expectations

Be prepared and be on time! Please bring usual items to class that are part of a productive school day. This includes pencils, pens, spiral notebooks (paper), and if you don’t plan to eat the school food, please, don't forget to pack a lunch.

​ We expect all students to respect one another, follow instructions provided by all adults present in the classrooms and most importantly, keep your hands to yourself. Please do not touch items that are not yours and do not touch fellow students. We have to be respectful of others at all times.

Grading Policy

All work should be turned in on time. If you are absent, you need to speak with your teacher to see what assignments were completed while you were absent from school. Per WCPSS policy, you are given one day per each day missed to make up your work up to 3 days. For example, if you miss two consecutive school days, you have two days to make up your assignments that you missed while being absent. When absences exceed 3 days, you will have at least 2 days for each day missed to complete the assignments you missed during your absence. Special consideration will be given when a student has an extended number of absences due to an injury or chronic illness.

Grading Scale

A=90-100: indicates excellent achievement

B=80-89: indicates good achievement

C=70-79: indicates satisfactory achievement

D=60-69: indicates minimal achievement

F=Less than 60: indicates insufficient achievement

--Tests are 35% of your grade

--Quizzes make up 30% of your grade

--Classwork counts as 35% of your grade


Mrs. Bullard as well as myself are excited to have you all in our classes! Please do your part by participating daily, completing assignments, and letting us know how we can help you be successful with your academic career!