Mrs. Gilliam's Class
Mrs. Gilliam's Class
Snack and Water
Snack and Water
Please be sure to pack a small snack and water bottle for your child each day. It gets very hot at recess, so water bottles are very helpful. We do keep cups in the room for water. We would appreciate donations of cups or Saltines for students who forget water bottles or snacks.
Mark your Calendars!
Mark your Calendars!
11/27-12/1 Thanksgiving Break
12/2 Fall Fun Run Fundraiser Begins
12/4 Patronies Pizza Spirit Night
12/11 Bedtime Stories, Books and Brownies, 5:30-7:00
12/12 Apex Fall Fun Run (PTA Fundraiser)
12/21-1/2 Winter Break
1/16 Brixx Spirit Night