Get Involved!

Theatrical Arts Patron (1).pdf

If you are interested in financially supporting the Theatre Department at Middle Creek, please print and send in the form above!


BRONZE $25-$49

Name in all programs; one ticket to Patron Night

SILVER $50-$149

Name in all programs; 2 tickets to Patron Night

GOLD $150-$299

Name in all programs; 2 tickets to Patron Night; 2 Drinks and 2 Snacks from Concession Stand

PLATINUM $300-$499

Name in all programs; 4 tickets to Patron Night; 4 Drinks and 4 Snacks from Concession Stand

GRAND $500 & above

Name in all programs; 6 tickets to Patron Night; 6 Drinks and 6 Snacks from Concession Stand


Boosters are parent volunteers who help keep the department running! They are an excellent way to get more involved at Middle Creek and to support your student artists! Please fill out the form below if you are interested!