
Here are some of the best ways to get in contact with me


Remind: Text @1920liz to 81010 or download the app and join using the code @1920liz

Phone: 919.576.0106 (If I don't answer, please leave a message)

Office Hours: 4pm-5pm Monday through Thursday

**10am-2pm** & 4pm-5pm Friday **Time slots by appointment only

Setting Up an Appointment:

1) Fill a Hangout Form, giving dates and times when you are available and would like to talk.

2) I will send an email with a date and time.

3) If you are able to make the appointment, respond to the email confirming your acknowledgement of the appointment. (If you need suggest a different time, you may respond with your newly suggested date and time.)

4) The email with the link will be sent 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the appointment.

With Office Hours, I'll be on my laptop ready to answer questions sent either to Google Classroom or my email. To meet with me via Google Meets, the Google Meets form must be filled out.