Mr. Freeman

Overview of Quarter 1:

  • Lab Safety, Scientific Method- We will be going over rules, expectations for the class and labs. Scientists are curious and there are steps that we will take, as 7th grade scientists and like real scientists, to satisfy our curiosity.
  • Weather- It's everywhere and it affects our daily lives. Let's explore how weather is made, the layers of our atmosphere, and our interaction with the weather. We will answer questions like, "What do we do to contribute to weather?" "Do our actions have an affect on our globe?" "What is the difference between climate and weather?" and "Is climate change real? Why or why not."

Overview of Quarter 2:

  • Physics- this subject explains how all natural events happen and why they occur. This branch of science does involve math, and is a little more note heavy than the weather unit. The best way to understand physics is application. In the classroom, we will be doing labs to aid with the application of our knowledge. It is encouraged that they take they look over their notes, look over them, and study daily. Physics will be broken down in a few sections: motion, energy, electrical circuits, and simple machines.
    • Motion- we will investigate what it means to be in motion. We will also look into speed, velocity, and acceleration and how to graph.
    • Energy- we will investigate types of energy, and how energy is transferred from one object to another
    • Electrical Circuits- we will investigate how electrical things work. The parts that go into making and completing a circuit. Also, we will discuss its connection to energy transfer.
    • Simple Machines- we will investigate the types of simple machines, and how these machines increases efficiency

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