Wakemedia Monthly

September 2023

Welcome back!

“It’s been two weeks. That’s like a decade in high school years.” (from the show Veronica Mars) 

With the beginning of the school year, time can feel distorted as we adjust to new routines with new staff, administrators, students, and–in some cases–new roles, responsibilities, and schools. It’s the changing of a season as we look ahead to the potential of the 2023-2024 school year. I hope that you are excited about what can and will happen with your library program, who you will help, what you will teach, and what curiosities you will unlock.

Please remember to take a moment to pause, write down goals for this year, and let the Library Media Services team know how we can support you in achieving your goals. Susan, Kristel, Stacy, and I are thrilled to work alongside you.  - Kendra

School Library Media Coordinator Contact List

The 2023-2024 School Library Media Coordinator Contact List can be found on the home page of the Library Media Services site under Quick Links. This directory contains the names of the library staff at each school, email and phone numbers for library staff, and the school’s 3-digit code. Please check that the information listed for your school site is accurate and email Stacy Symes (ssymes@wcpss.net) if any changes need to be made. 

MTAC reminders

If you haven’t already, please make sure you have set a schedule to meet with your Media and Technology Advisory Committee. If you need support with establishing this committee at your school or planning and facilitating committee meetings, please reach out for support from the Library Media Services office or from your Digital Learning Coordinators. Resources to support your MTAC can be found on the Library Media Services site, under MTAC

PLC updates and reminders

We have hit the ground running with professional learning communities this year.  View our Guide for School Library Media Coordinator PLCs on the Library Media Services site to find a PLC that is a good fit for you  or to find resources to help you start your own. If you are interested in leading a PLC not listed in our guide, please reach out to Susan Bock (sbock@wcpss.net) or Kristel Behrend (kbehrend@wcpss.net). 

Note that the Collection Management PLC now includes an option to participate asynchronously via a Canvas course. You can enroll in the course at bit.ly/CMforSLMCs.

Textbook recycling for 2023-2024

Information about books and paper recycling is now posted on Wake Connect for the 2023-2024 school year. Recycling services can be scheduled from September-April. https://wakeconnect.wcpss.net/sites/textbooks/News/76618/books-paper-recycling-services-2023-24

ERD Stickers

Great news! ERD stickers are not needed for technology items that are being placed in Tech Gaylords. 

Convergence 2023

It’s time to save the date for Convergence. Mark your calendars for November 28, 2023, at the McKimmon Center. As we have done in recent years, we are inviting all school library media coordinators, tech contacts, elementary tech teachers, and one additional MTAC member from each school to attend this one-day professional learning conference presented by Digital Learning and Libraries (DLL). 

If you will need a substitute, DLL will pay for the cost of the sub. To do so, you need to request a sub form (see link below). You’re responsible for securing the individual who will cover for you, and you may want to take care of that earlier than later.

If you’re interested in presenting, please submit your idea by September 29 for consideration. These are concurrent session presentations.

Important Links:

Problem with Destiny?

If you’re experiencing an issue with Destiny, contact Stacy Symes (919-694-0279 or ssymes@wcpss.net) instead of calling Follett directly. WCPSS has specialized customer and technical support with Follett, which we can activate without going through generic tech support. 

Title/Copy Data report in Destiny

The Title/Copy Data report in Destiny is a great report to run if you need to analyze your collection by call number. This report will give you barcode number, call number, title, publication date, date acquired, and very detailed circulation information. The report can be viewed in excel, and the data can be filtered and sorted to meet your specific needs. 


DonorsChoose and Student Privacy

In the September Focus on Finance newsletter, the WCPSS Office of Grants shared this important message about student privacy and DonorsChoose. 

“When using DonorsChoose, remember the public nature of electronic postings and the likelihood that students, parents, and other members of the community will access what is posted. Be sure to protect student privacy and consider carefully how students, families, and the community may be described. DonorsChoose postings should not include photos of students, even if one believes the students featured have parental permission. This provision applies to all aspects of the DonorsChoose website, including, but not limited to, individual profiles, project postings, and ‘Thank You’ responses to supporters. Instead, applicants may use general classroom photos so long as the images do not include students or any materials which might personally identify a student. DonorsChoose requires a ‘Thank You’ package with photos when an award is made but is aware of privacy concerns and provides examples of acceptable alternatives that do not include students. Photos could show the completed project or grant-funded materials displayed.”


We are so happy for Helen Sharma at Longview HS who won the Laura Bush grant and the Classroom Technology grant program, sponsored by Wake Electric.   

Linda Dextre (Middle Creek HS), Heather Barkley (Wake Young Men’s Leadership Academy), and Jennifer Cassidy (Apex Friendship MS) collaboratively presented at Peace College this last summer on Digital Detectives.

Jennifer Koch (Knightdale HS), Kristel Behrend (Digital Learning & Libraries), & Elizabeth Adams (Digital Learning Coordinator) won the 4Cs grant to help diversify STEM fields.  This grant is worth almost $10,000 in both technology and books.  Jennifer and Elizabeth will use this grant to make the Geek Week, their student-led research project, even better. 

L.E.E.F.: Librarians as Environmental Education Facilitators: 

Stacy Darwin (Abbotts Creek ES), Erica Flory (Zebulon ES), Christine Zaccardi (Farmington Woods ES), Evelyn Bussell (Leesville Road MS) , and Tammy Weller (Green Level HS) have chose to join a cohort to obtain their environmental education certification. This process can take up to 5 years of professional development and trainings, but the  L.E.E.F. Cohort will obtain their certification in a rigorous 2 year plan. They are excited to collaborate and share environmental education with everyone on their campuses. 

Heather Barkley (Wake Young Men’s Leadership Academy) and her student-driven MTAC just received a donation from the North Carolina Business Committee for Education of two studio kits to promote responsible use and proper handling of technology.  Her team also won the  Biogen Young Scientist Research Challenge.  Lots of good things are happening at the WYMLA media center.