Wakemedia Monthly

October 2022

October Digital Learning and Libraries Checklist

Information overload? These are the most important DLL things you need to know to stay on track!

  • Collaborate with your Media and Technology Advisory Committee to select a WakeForward focus area for the year. Report your focus area to Library Media Services to assist us with planning support and professional learning.

  • Make sure you are registered for Convergence and plan to attend on November 1st.

WCPSS Professional Learning Days

The district will host Professional Learning Days for all instructional staff during the 2022-2023 school year. Principals will inform their staff which professional learning day they should attend. The next upcoming PL day is October 10th. You can view the sessions offered by Digital Learning and Libraries on the Professional Learning Days post on WakeConnect.

We encourage you to select sessions that support your WakeForward focus for your library this year. Sessions may be cancelled due to low enrollment, so sign up early if you plan to attend!

Convergence: November 1, 2022

In-person Convergence is back! We are excited to host the WCPSS Convergence Learning Symposium on Tuesday, November 1st at McKimmon Center. All school librarians, tech contacts, and technology teachers are expected to attend. Each school is encouraged to bring 1 additional member of their MTAC to share in the day of learning.

Digital Learning and Libraries will provide a sub payment form for school librarians, tech contacts, technology teachers, and 1 MTAC member from each school.

Convergence to-do list:

  • Register in WakeLearns

  • Submit educational leave and request a sub (if needed)

  • Tell us if you will need a sub form for payment (https://forms.gle/PcrHSocVifsh2F419)

  • Recruit an MTAC member to attend with you. Help them register, request a sub form, etc..

  • Sign up to share in the Convergence Idea Lab!

đź’ˇConvergence Idea Lab Sign-Up

Digital Learning and Libraries is now accepting registration for participation in an Idea Lab to take place during Convergence on November 1st. An Idea Lab is an opportunity to showcase the creative or innovative things you do with your school in a casual and collaborative environment. Idea Lab exhibits will take place in Room 1 of McKimmon Center from 1:30pm-2:00pm, between sessions 3 and 4 of Convergence. Participants will be assigned a table to set up their showcase. Showcases may include any or all of the following:

  • tri-fold poster board

  • a digital artifact

  • presentation to share on a device

  • some hands-on activities

  • something else

Convergence attendees will have the opportunity to stroll-and-learn while gathering ideas, asking questions, and engaging in conversations.

This is a great opportunity to share a lesson idea, a clever trick of the trade, or highlight the work your MTAC has done for WakeForward.

View pictures of our last Idea Lab and a list of previous exhibits. Then, sign up to share your idea by completing this form: Convergence Idea Lab Participant Sign-Up/Nomination

  • Sign-up to share your own idea, OR

  • Nominate a colleague whose work you’d like to see more of. We’ll contact them and encourage them to share!

Space is limited. Please sign up by Friday, October 14th. If you have questions or need help brainstorming potential ideas, please reach out to Sadie Hoover (shoover@wcpss.net) or Susan Bock (sbock@wcpss.net). We can’t wait to see what you share!

Shout-out to NCSLMA presenters!

The following school librarians are scheduled to present at the North Carolina School Library Media Association conference in Winston Salem on October 6-8. These librarians are not only leaders within our district, but also within our state!

  • Linda Dextre

  • Beimnet Baissa

  • Hannah Wilson

  • Christine Tuttell

  • Laura Aldridge

  • Julie Stivers

NCTIES Call for Proposals

The NCTIES (North Carolina Technology in Education Society) conference will be held March 8-10, 2023. Those interested in leading a session at the conference should submit a call for proposal form. Calls for proposals will close on October 28th. See the NCTIES site for more information: ncties.org

ISTE membership

In alignment with the North Carolina Digital Learning Plan, DPI has partnered with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). This partnership provides ISTE membership for every public school educator in the state of North Carolina. Membership benefits include:

Free access to:

  • webinars

  • ISTE Connect, which allows for educators with similar interests from around the world to collaborate and share resources

  • recordings of past ISTE conference sessions

  • monthly access to the Empowered Learner Newsletter which features stories from schools around the world about current Digital Teaching and Learning best practices and experiences

Reduced prices on:

  • ISTE U online professional learning courses

  • professional books

  • research journals

  • certifications

  • event registrations

Membership information was released to educators on September 6, 2022. If you have any questions about this partnership or ISTE membership through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, please email nciste@dpi.nc.gov.

You can access the ISTE site through the ISTE tile in NCEDCloud.

Books and paper recycling services for 2022-2023

Information about textbook recycling for this school year can be found on WakeConnect under Textbooks>Books and paper recycling services.

NC General Statute 125-18 and 125-19

Take a moment to read and review NC General Statutes 125-18 and 125-19. (Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for Chapter 125.) This section of North Carolina law refers specifically to library records. Most importantly, it dictates what information in library records can/cannot be accessed, by whom, and in what circumstances.

For our purposes, students are minors for whom parent(s) and legal guardian(s) have a legal right to records, including the record of what students have checked out presently and historically. Under this statute, the student and their legal guardian(s) can request a record of their library behavior, like circulation history. You, as the school librarian, can access records in accordance with the normal operations of the library. You can also use circulation and search data when it is anonymized.

What is not permitted is for anyone else, including school staff and administrators (yes, even your principal), to request a student’s library record unless such direction originates with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or the student themself.

This reminder about state law will be going out to principals, too. If there are ever any questions, reach out to Kendra (kallen2@wcpss.net or 919-694-0273).

Patron Privacy and Wakemedia

Please remember to model our professional values of protecting patron privacy when requesting to borrow materials on Wakemedia. Consider the following ways to frame the same request: :

  1. I have a staff member who would like to borrow the book How to Plan for Early Retirement. If you have a copy to share, please check it out to Susan Bock, ID #123456.

  2. I have a staff member who would like to borrow the book How to Plan for Early Retirement. If you have a copy to share, please check it out to Susan Bock.

  3. I have a staff member who would like to borrow the book How to Plan for Early Retirement. If you have a copy to share, please reply and I’ll share information to facilitate check-out.

Example 3 best protects patron privacy, because it does not share any identifiable information, including both the patron’s ID number as well as the patron’s personal intellectual pursuits.

Elementary: Quarter 2 Lesson Plan Samples

The Sample Lesson Plan page on the Library Media Services site has been updated to include resources and ideas for Quarter 2. We will continue to update more in the coming weeks. As always, we welcome feedback on how this resource can be most useful to you.

Computer Science Ed Week Activities and Sign-up

In an effort to empower as many students as possible, the Office of Magnet & Curriculum Enhancement and Technology Services are excited to collaborate and offer computer science activities December 1st - December 16th to interested schools. Please view the flyer to see the options being offered and complete this form to bring these possibilities to your school! The deadline to submit your request is October 28th.

If you have any questions, please contact Paul Domenico, Director of Curriculum Enhancement Programs, at pdomenico@wcpss.net.