Wakemedia Monthly

November 2021

Welcome Stacy Symes!

Stacy has jumped right in as the newest member of the Library Media Services team. Contact her for any Destiny questions you may have, or just reach out to introduce yourself and say hi!

Office Hours

Just a reminder that Kendra offers office hours from 8am-9am each Tuesday. Susan has changed her office hours to 8am-9am on Thursday mornings. Google Meet links are posted on the Library Media Services homepage and in each of our email signatures. Stop in if you have a question or need to chat.

Textbook Recycling

Messaging went out to principals about requesting gaylords for the purpose of book recycling. If you have library materials that need to be weeded, this is the preferred method of disposal. If your principal needs information about requesting this service, please direct them to this article on WakeConnect: Recycling Services 2021-2022. If you have questions about weeding, please refer to the Weeding page on the Collection Management section of the Library Media Services site.

Book orders and supply chain issues

As you plan book orders for this year, please be aware that vendors continue to experience delays due to staffing challenges and supply chain issues. We recommend being especially mindful of this when planning when to submit any print orders. Talk with your bookkeeper about spending deadlines and make sure to allow extra time for the processing and delivery of orders this year.

District Policy and Process for Book Challenges

As we see reporting about book challenges across the nation, we want to make sure everyone is aware that WCPSS has a policy in place for responding to concerns related to instructional materials and books available in the library media center. Links to Board Policy, Reconsideration forms, and a flow chart that describes the reconsideration process can be found on the Materials Challenges page on the Library Media Services site.

Virtual Convergence

We are excited to announce that we are planning a Virtual Convergence event for this year! Virtual Convergence will take place asynchronously throughout the month of February. All School Library Media Coordinators, Tech Contacts, and Technology Teachers are encouraged to participate. In addition, we invite you to include your MTAC members as well. We will not be able to provide subs for any participants this year, so most content will be asynchronous. However, we are planning a few live, virtual events, including an opening keynote.

Watch Wakemedia for announcements about how to register in WakeLearns, calls to present a virtual session, and how to submit to share in our virtual Idea Lab!


Thank you to those who have submitted their focus area for this school year. If you haven’t submitted your focus area yet, please take a moment to share that information with us as soon as you are able. You can find the form to submit your focus area on the Library Media Services site under WakeForward/Reporting Your Focus Area. When you report your focus area, it helps us curate resources and plan opportunities to better support you and your goals for your library program.

So far, reported focus area selection breaks down as follows:

I submitted my focus area--now what?

Look at the learning opportunities curated in the WakeForward section of the Library Media Services site that are aligned with your focus area. Use these resources to help support or develop your MTAC’s plans.

Whether you’ve selected your focus area or not, it’s not too late to join the WakeForward Virtual PLC. Our next virtual meeting doesn’t take place until December. PLC members will select and participate in asynchronous Canvas modules relevant to their focus areas between now and December. Please register in WakeLearns to participate in this PLC.