Wakemedia Monthly

March 2022

Virtual Convergence 2022

We hope that you enjoyed Virtual Convergence. You can still view the content in the Canvas course even though the course has concluded. In Learning Central, click on Courses>All Courses and then find 2022 Virtual Convergence under the Past Enrollments heading.

You will still be able to view all content, you just won’t be able to submit the final reflection for credit or comment on the discussion boards.

We also want to assure you that we will continue to incorporate support around popular Convergence topics as we plan ongoing resources, guidance, and professional learning. We understand that not everyone has time right now to devote to reading the Developing Digital Detectives or Include texts, and that you may not have had time to view all the Convergence content you are interested in. We will continue to provide opportunities to explore the ideas in these professional texts and to facilitate conversations around digital literacy, collection management, cybersecurity, blended learning, inquiry, and inclusive libraries.

Some of you may be ready to start implementing the ideas you took away from Convergence sessions. That’s great! If so, we recommend using some of the time as the year draws to a close to test your new ideas. Conduct action research. See what might work with one class or one grade level. Determine how you might incorporate those ideas into your work for next school year.

You may not be ready to implement new ideas just yet. That’s also ok! Our goal for Convergence was to offer content that would support you as you reflect on your current work and identify ways you intend to grow your practice. Take time to reflect with your PLT. Allow yourself time to sit with your new knowledge. Consider how it impacts your work, how you might share your ideas with your MTAC, and what changes you might incorporate next school year.

If there is more we can do to help you process your learning, please reach out and let us know what you need!

Kudos and Thank You!

Thank you to these school library leaders who submitted content for Virtual Convergence. Be sure to check out their amazing contributions!

  • Laura Richardson (Wake Young Women’s Leadership Academy) - Session: Building Capacity with Middle School Teachers

  • Emily Yates and Jenni Dry (Green Hope High) - Session: Developing a School-wise Academic Honesty Curriculum

  • Christine Zaccardi (Fox Road Elementary) - Session: Developing Digital Detectives - the Elementary Squad!

  • Julie Stivers (Mount Vernon Middle) - Keynote: Include; Sessions: Include Workshop: Bring INCLUDE to Life in our Spaces, The Power of Manga and Anime in our School Libraries

  • Kristel Behrend and Jennifer Koch (Knightdale High) - Session: This is Why We Celebrate Banned Books Week; Idea Lab: Breaking out of the Library and Geek Week PBL for Library Media Studies

  • Casey Lanier (Olive Chapel Elementary) - Idea Lab: News Flash: How to Jumpstart a Student Newscast at Your School

  • Lindsay Santiago (Parkside Elementary) - Idea Lab: Portable Search Stations

Wait, don't forget your t-shirt!

In recognition of your commitment to professional learning and ongoing service to students, teachers, and families, we have t-shirts that celebrate WONDER. We’re ordering based on your size requests, so you need to get those to us by THURSDAY, MARCH 31. Complete this form: https://forms.gle/6GX6z2VPmgDJpTzJ8. If you’ve already filled it out, we have your response. An image of the t-shirt proof is in the form as well as descriptions of the sizes.

ESSER Orders and Overdue Books

All ESSER orders have been submitted to Mackin and are being processed. We will provide more information about delivery dates as it is available. At this time, we expect books to be delivered by the end of May.

In the meantime, Library Media Services will take the following action to support you with removing books overdue during COVID from students’ accounts.

On March 30, Library Media Services updated Destiny settings at all sites to automatically mark books that have been overdue for more than 300 days as lost. No fines will be assessed for those books that are moved from overdue to lost with this action.

You may find that you prefer to leave these settings in Destiny moving forward. If so, no further action is needed. However, if your library policies require different settings, you can update/reset your setting after April 4th by doing the following:

To Reset Fines being automatically added to lost materials:

In Destiny back office:

Admin>Site Configuration>Circulation

Check the box “Automatically create fine for lost library materials”

Click Save

To Reset Overdue to lost settings:

In Destiny back office:

Admin>Library Policies>Circulation Types

Click the pencil icon for Regular Circulation type

Change the Overdue to lost setting to desired number of days

Click Save

Professional Learning: Canvas Chats

Canvas chats are short video conversations with Digital Learning and Libraries staff about Canvas. Each month we release two episodes. One episode presents a useful Canvas feature and the other episode highlights a teacher using Canvas with real-world examples. Check out this month’s episodes below.

  • In Episode 6, Paola Medina Plata and Wendy Edwards share how they use Canvas to save time as a PLT.

  • In Episode 7, join us for a 4-minute conversation about providing quick, personalized feedback with the “Message Students Who” tool in Canvas gradebook.

Subscribe on Youtube or join the Canvas course to receive notifications when new episodes post.

New Background in Destiny Discover

Follett released a new background for Destiny Discover titled Under the Sea.

Procedure for changing your background to the new theme:

Log in to Destiny

Catalog>Destiny Discover

Click More on top ribbon

Click Admin

Display Options

Custom Settings

Use Dropdown Menu Choices next to all user types that you would like to show the new theme

Click Save when finished

Uploading Patron Photos in Destiny

If you need to upload patron photos in Destiny please email Stacy Symes for access. Once you receive access to import patron photos make sure the digital files are in the correct format for uploading into Destiny. For campuses that use Strawbridge Studios, we have compiled directions to help you. Thanks to Laura Nowak for creating and sharing these directions!