Wakemedia Monthly

December 2021

Virtual Convergence 2022

We are excited to offer a flexible, virtual version of Convergence in February 2022! We invite you to submit a proposal to present an asynchronous session in Canvas and/or contribute to our virtual Idea Lab.

  • Asynchronous Sessions

If selected to present, you must create a video presentation that can be viewed asynchronously in Canvas. Please review these virtual presentation guidelines prior to submitting your proposal.

The Convergence planning team will approve proposals as they are submitted in order to provide you with ample time to prepare your presentation. We encourage you to submit your proposal as soon as possible. We will accept proposals until 5pm on January 6th.

To submit a proposal to present, please complete the Call for Presentations form.

  • Idea Lab

Digital Learning and Libraries is now accepting sign-ups for participation in an Idea Lab to take place as part of Virtual Convergence during the month of February. An Idea Lab is an opportunity to showcase your work in a casual and collaborative environment. Idea Lab showcases will take place in Canvas with their own module and will provide an opportunity to share an idea or best practice via a short video presentation. Idea Lab videos should be no more than 5 minutes. You can also put together a picture collage as well. Think outside the box. Convergence attendees will have the opportunity to virtually stroll-and-learn in Canvas while gathering ideas and asking questions via the discussion board.

This is a great opportunity to share a lesson idea, a clever trick of the trade, show-off your students’ work, or highlight the work your MTAC has done for WakeForward.

Intrigued? Sign up to share your idea by completing this form: Virtual Convergence Idea Lab Participant Sign-Up. If you need inspiration, look back at the Idea Lab sessions from Convergence 2020.

Please sign up by January 21st . If you have questions or need help brainstorming potential ideas, please reach out to Wanda Hanley whanley@wcpss.net or Susan Bock sbock@wcpss.net. We can’t wait to see what you share!

Book orders for ESSER funds

Information and directions for ESSER funds for Library Media Collections can be found on the homepage of the Library Media Service site under “Quick Links”.

We are in the process of sending individual emails to each school library media coordinator with details about the amount of funds you have to spend for this project. You should receive your email by 12/14/2021.

Questions about this project should be directed to Kendra or Stacy. Susan will hold extra office hours for any elementary librarians who may need support with making lists in time to meet the January 14th deadline. In addition to Tuesdays from 8am-9am, you can also pop in to meet with Susan on Mondays between 3:30-4:30pm.

WCPSS Policy Review

At a recent principal’s meeting, information was shared with principals about using the Media Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) in the selection of instructional materials processes associated with Policy 3200. The message to principals is that all schools:

  1. Should have a MTAC,

a. This can be a subcommittee of the school improvement team or a standalone committee.

b. About MTAC document

  1. Use their MTAC in accordance with Section B of the board policy which is specific to supplemental materials,

a. Supplemental Materials and Media Materials Review Processes

b. Rubric for Supplemental Materials

  1. Use their MTAC to discuss and contribute to the library’s collection management plan.

a. Rubric for Media Materials

b. The rubric is an illustration of the criteria you already use in your selection of materials for the library collection (see Section D of Policy 3200). There is not an expectation that every decision is documented using the rubric.

Policy 3210: Parental Inspection of and Objection to Instructional Materials

In an upcoming principals’ message, principals will be reminded to contact Kendra if a school receives a complaint. If you receive a complaint, direct that individual to speak with your principal and contact Kendra. If you have questions, [checks notes] contact Kendra.

Professional Learning: Canvas Chat

November Canvas Chat: Studio

Check out Canvas Chat, a vlog from Digital Learning and Libraries. Join us for a 5 minute conversation about some of our favorite features in Canvas Studio. Canvas Studio enhances engagement and learning through video-based content, assessments, discussions, and annotations. Subscribe on Youtube or join the Canvas course to receive notifications when new episodes post.

  • Next episode will feature a middle school SS teacher using Canvas

  • December topics: Immersive Reader and highlighting a VA Kindergarten teacher