Wakemedia Monthly

Volume 12: April/May 2021

Responsive Library Services and Plan A

On April 15th, you received a message that revised guidance from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services allowed us to amend our library guidance. You no longer need to either disinfect or quarantine any books materials, including those with Mylar covers.

Please continue to follow the current WCPSS guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting (as it pertains to the media center space and surfaces), Healthy Hygiene, and Social Distancing (elementary, middle, high).

WCPSS Library Media Services Year-End Report

Please complete the WCPSS Library Media Services Year-End Report. This report is due on June 7th for Traditional and Modified Calendars and June 14th for Year-Round.

Library Media Services will compile the data gathered from this report and present it as part of our AAT day meeting at the start of next school year.

Circ Desktops and New Domain Migration

When your school is migrated to the new domain, you’ll need to use the following patron login accounts to log onto your circulation desktops:

Username: *SchoolCode*patron - example: 434patron

Password: destiny2021


As a reminder, Library Media Services does not mandate a year-end inventory. You may choose to conduct an inventory at any time during the school year. Regular circulation can continue while running an inventory. In addition, it is not necessary to inventory the entire collection all at once. You can choose to only inventory a subset of the collection. It's most important to conduct an inventory when you think there are a significant number of materials that are unaccounted for (the Destiny catalog shows them as "Available" but they cannot be found on the shelf), or a significant number of students report that they have returned materials that still show up as checked out on their account.

You can find directions for completing a library inventory on the Destiny page on the Library Media Services site.

*Tech services will let schools know when it is necessary to conduct a technology inventory. You are not being asked to inventory anything in Resource Manager at this time.

Collecting Library Books

You should consult with your administration and your MTAC to determine what policy is best for your school.

  • Some schools choose to allow students to circulate books over the summer. There is no policy that states you must collect all books for the end of the year.

  • If your admin and MTAC determine it is best to collect all books for the end of year, Library Media Services recommends stopping circulation no sooner than 2 weeks before the last day of school, with all books due 1 week before the last day of school. This will give you an additional week to round up books from stragglers.

Lost Books

Likewise to decisions to collect books, you should also consult with your administration and your MTAC to determine what policy is best for your school regarding collecting lost book fees and overdue fines. While Library Media Services may make recommendations regarding fines and fees, the policy decision is site based.

  • It is highly recommended that overdue fines related to COVID, specifically, are either waived or not cumulative for the extended period of overdue status. The final decision rests with the school.

  • It is recommended to not hold students financially responsible for COVID-related loss. The final decision rests with the school.

  • Money can be received by any school to which the family or student brings the associated funds. This does not have to be the school from which the fine or fee originated. Your bookkeeper/lead secretary has directions for this process in the Accounting section of WakeConnect.

  • If you need assistance with clearing records, please contact Deb.

Summer Learning Program

If your school is hosting a summer learning program, talk with your administration about their expectations for how the library will be used during the program. Decisions about use of spaces will vary by site.

Library Media Services supports the use of the library space and its materials during the summer learning program. If appropriate, schools may consider allowing teachers to use the space with groups of students for collaborative work, research, or independent reading. We do not recommend facilitating check-out of materials as part of the summer learning program, since libraries will not be staffed.