School Library Media Coordinator Evaluation instrument

Your evaluation as a school library media coordinator follows a similar process to teacher evaluations in your building.

  • 3 observations each year

    • 2 observations can be informal (walkthrough, shadowing, focused information conference) once you have 3 or more consecutive years teaching in WCPSS, except during your licensure renewal year.

    • All 3 observations must be formal observations if it is your renewal year, or if you have fewer than 3 consecutive years teaching in WCPSS OR were rated lower than proficient on any standard during the previous year

    • New school library media coordinators may also have a peer observation in addition to the 3 required observations. An appropriate peer would be any teacher who can provide feedback on instructional strategies, classroom management, etc.

  • PDP

Additional Resources

NC DPI Resources for the school library media coordinator evaluation

WCPSS Human Resources support for the school library media coordinator evaluation