
Beginning Skills:

o Count to 100 (by the end of the year) by ones and tens

o Number recognition from 0-20 (by the end of the year)

o Shapes- be able to name, compare, and describe the following shapes

o 2-D: Square, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Hexagon

o 3-D: Cube, Sphere, Cone, Cylinder

o Counting Objects

o Count these objects. How many? Now what would be one more? (student should not recount)

o Count these objects. How many? Now what would be one less? (student should not recount)

o Count objects in a scattered array up to 20

§ If needed, remind the student to move the objects to help keep track

o Counting Stories up to 10 (Later in the year)

§ There are _____. Then I got ___ more. How many are there now?

§ There are ____. Then I lost ____. How many do I have now?

§ There are ____. Then I got 0 more. How many do I have now?

Advanced Skills

**Some of these ARE NOT part of the curriculum and explicitly taught, but would be a great place to start for building number sense and skills that would be beneficial for first grade**

o Identifying Numbers to 100

o Comparing numbers to 100

o Tell me which is more/greater? ____ or ____

o Tell me which is less? ____ or ____

o Number sense to 100 (see activities below)

Suggested Activities:

o Play board games! You’d be surprised at how much number sense goes into identifying how many pips on the dice (subitizing) and moving on the board. Many students have difficulty with this concept since many games are digital now😉

o Ask questions while using/looking at a hundred’s chart/board (can be found by googling)

o Possible questions:

§ How many numbers are there between __ and ___? (Example: How many numbers are between 10 and 12? Answer: 1 number)

§ Which is bigger/smaller __ or ___? How much bigger/smaller?

§ Find the number ___

§ Find 2 more than the number___ (student finds number and moves two more)

§ Which number is closer? (Example: Which number is closer to 8, 2 or 11? Answer: 11)