Sra. Gourley

Me llamo Sra. Gourley, ¡y me encantan la escuela Joyner y nuestro programa de español! I am excitedly looking forward to lots of learning and fun in the Spanish classroom!

I fell in love with the Spanish language as a high schooler. My subsequent travels throughout Latin America, along with my studies in la Pontificie Universidad Católica de Chile and la Universidad de Chile, have only served to deepen my appreciation for the beauty of the language and culture. It is a privilege to work at Joyner, and it brings me great joy to share my passion for Spanish with your children,

My husband, Mike, and I are the proud parents of two girls, both Jaguar alums.

Outside of school, I love reading, hiking and camping in the mountains, and playing games with my family.

I look forward to un año magnífico with your child!