Media Technology Advisory Committee

As one of the two media coordinators in our school, I serve on MTAC, the Media Technology Advisory Committee. These committees were shaped by the 2000 publication and 2005 revised edition of IMPACT: Guidelines for North America Media and Technology by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The section of IMPACT detailing the makeup and responsibilities of MTAC is presented below on the left. At KHSCD, MTAC meets once a month and addresses issues such as the media and technology budget, tech requests and repairs, and the coordination of school-wide events supporting media and technology, such as Computer Science Week and Literacy Week. Minutes from a recent MTAC meeting appear on the lower right with links and sensitive information removed.

As a member of MTAC, I have been involved in decisions affecting classroom technology, collection development, and school-wide policy. I have learned how to address technology repairs and help teachers identify sources of problems, and I have enjoyed getting a chance to shape the technological landscape of our school. The budget in particular has been eye-opening because we spend considerable money on technology but still are unable to fully meet the needs of all our students and staff. As a result, we are exploring options in terms of grants and other supplemental programs.

MTAC Impact
MTAC Meeting Example