
Professional Development Plan

Goals, Evidence, and Reflection

Goal 1

By the end of the 2020-21 school year, we will have collaborated with the instructional coaches to provide synchronous and asynchronous professional learning opportunities focused on improved hybrid instruction by merging technology tools with sound research-based instructional practices with participation from 50% of the staff (by 50%, we mean that 50% of staff has participated at least once).

Throughout the 2020-21 school year, I have worked as part of the professional learning team known as the TGIF team at KHS, made up of the media coordinators and the instructional coaching team. We have worked to gather data on staff members' professional learning needs and develop learning opportunities to meet those needs. We have offered formal TGIF sessions during planning periods on Fridays, less formal Water Cooler Wednesdays to discuss topics, hybrid Learning Labs to let teachers practice, and fun Sandbox sessions to let teachers play with technology as students. While we set our goal at 50%, we achieved participation by 81% of the staff, as shown in the exit tickets. In our attempt to model best practices, we have also recorded all sessions and provided the recordings, presentations, and FAQ documents in a Canvas course for teachers to participate asynchronously. We monitor participation, review exit tickets, and work with PLTs to determine the topics for upcoming learning opportunities. We work to make sure we are incorporating research-based best practices and presenting them in a meaningful way that can be transferred straight to the classroom in person, online, or in a hybrid environment. I am very proud of how our efforts have grown and been embraced by our faculty, and we plan to continue these efforts into the next year. Four of us presented on the TGIF model at the 2021 NCTIES conference.

LC Co-teaching Lessons & Professional Development

Professional Learning Offerings

TGIF Canvas Course

TGIF Exit Tickets

NCTIES TGIF: A Flexible PL Model


Goal 2

By the end of the 2020-21 school year, we will have supported student learning and success by providing equitable access to tech support, pedagogy support, resources, and instruction for staff, students, and families on how to best access the resources available as evidenced by a greater than 90% promotion rate (rate to be adjusted once confirmed from Dean).

Since the spring of 2020, I have worked with the other tech contacts at our school to support device distribution and identify students who need Chromebooks and WiFi hotspots from the county. In addition, we maintain a collection of easily accessible tutorials on the school website. Getting books into the hands of students was also a challenge, as guidance changed often as we learned more about the spread of COVID-19. We were able to develop a system that allowed students to place books on hold through Destiny, our online library system, and pick them up in person with a delivery option for those students who simply could not get to campus. This year has been a challenge on many fronts, but we have kept our focus on access and meeting the needs of our staff and students, which has led to the submission of two large grant applications as well as digital policies and procedures that will continue moving forward.


We have worked hard to overhaul the KHS website to improve access. In addition to removing broken or unnecessary pages, we have added a teacher support page, a remote learning page, more chat boxes, staff website profiles, and elective videos.


Through the Got Books? campaign, we helped students reserve and pick up books and even delivered if they were unable to make it to school. We have also been working on obtaining grant money for high-interest titles and ebooks.


Since last spring, we have worked with device distribution efforts to get Chromebooks and hotspots in the hands of students who need them. We have also provided tech support to staff and students through the chat box on the website, daily office hours, the Ask a Librarian form, and email. On the website, we maintain a substantial bank of tutorials to help our community access the resources they need. As seen in Goal 1, we have worked to provide ongoing training for staff to meet their needs.