Google Training Follow-Up
One of my professional goals as established in my evaluation materials is: "By June 2018, my students will have a 95% passing rate through implementing 2 PBL units of study each semester, that are focused on priority standards, utilize formative assessments, and are immersed with 4Cs instruction." Many teachers in our school have set this goal, as we are moving toward project-based learning. To help both myself and other teachers reach this goal, I presented a session called "Beyond PowerPoint: Google Tools for PBL Products" at a staff-wide professional development opportunity in February. Those who attended my session received training on using a variety of Google Tools to help students create PBL products, and I have made the presentation available online to those who attended other sessions.
Because professional development is an ongoing process, I have reached out to the teachers who attended my session to determine what support they may need and to see how they have used what they've learned. Several have works in progress that they are excited to share when they are complete, and many have indicated that they would like more training on Google Drawings and on the Screencastify extension. As such, I have met one on one with a few and am planning to offer a second session for anyone interested. With the rest of the Google for Education team at my school, I will be offering this training again at an elementary school at their request. Ensuring teachers know how to use the tools available to them gives them more confidence when moving to a model like PBL.