Relational: Built on mutual trust

A major focus of the initiative is on building respectful and trusting relationships between home and school.

Ensuring Excellent Parent Teacher Conference Attendance


Supporting Families in a Time of Fear

by Eileen Kugler

3 Tech Strategies to Keep Parents in Sync with School

by Catlin Tucker

Video: Teacher and parent relationships - a crucial ingredient

Cecile Carroll at TEDxWellsStreetED

Mindset Shifts and Parent Teacher Home Visits

RTI International Findings

The Joining Process

Dr. Karen Mapp

The Joining Process.pdf

Helping Teachers Work Effectively with English Language Learners and Their Families

Cheng-Ting Chen, Diane W. Kyle, and Ellen McIntyre


Academic Support Emails

Flamboyan Foundation


Video: Teacher Well-Being and Family Engagement

Harvard EdX

Why I'm Not Involved: Parental Involvement from a Parent's Perspective

Jung-Ah Choi, Phi Delta Kappan

Why I’m not involved_ Parental involvement from a parent’s perspective -

Parent/Guardian Information and Preference Form

Teaching Tolerance


Parent Survey

Teaching Tolerance


Inclusive Suggestions for Building Relationships with Caregivers

Pennsylvania Dept. of Education