Why choose band?

Meet new people.

You will make friends in 6th grade and remain friends until 8th grade. Having a community to fall back on when you need it is very important in middle school. 

Strengthen your brain.

Music has been proven to help your brain function in ways that no other activity can replicate. Learning music has been proven to make you smarter!

Grow your confidence. 

Joining the band means lots of performing in front of many different crowds. While this may be scary at first, you eventually learn that it's not so bad. You get very good at it very fast. These skills transfer to other classes and life experiences. 

Have Fun!

Band is a great way to take a break from a desk and device. It is a hands-on activity that gets your brain and body going.  We participate in a wide variety of activities in school and outside of school. 

Travel opportunities

The band will (covid- permitting) have opportunities to travel to other schools, have out of school performances, and a spring trip. 

Opens new doors.

The lifelong skills that band provides are transferable to many other skills. Joining band opens the opportunity for many other activities like band, choir, theatre, and much more in high school.