Math in Music

All music is math! In order to read music, a musician must understand time signatures, beats per minute, and patterns. So when learning music, students are learning math. At Swift Creek here is where our scholars make connections with math in the music classroom. 

Form in Music: Music is often organized in sections. These sections often form a pattern to complete a composition. Some forms are as simple as Rondo form, ABA (where the A section repeats). In pop music, the form is usually ABA

Measures: Music is divided into sections that are called measures, where each measure has equal amounts of beats. This is comparable to mathematical divisions of time. Starting in 3rd grade, we start to make connections to numerators and denominators. 

Beats: Note values are used to reinforce basic math equations and fractions. For example, 4 quarter notes equal the same number of beats as 1 whole note. Students in all grades solve daily music math problems to reinforce what they are learning in their classroom.