Responsibilities Staff

School Administration

A designated school administrator will be charged with overseeing student activities, including clubs and organizations. The person will be responsible for authorizing new clubs/organizations and for renewing existing clubs/organizations. In addition, the school administrator will also be responsible for working with faculty advisors, club officers, and members to resolve issues that may rise to the level of requiring administrative action. Mr. Shipp will serve as the supervising administrator for the 2021-22 school year.

Faculty Advisor

All student clubs/organizations are required to have a faculty advisor. Below are some of the basic responsibilities that faculty members assume as a student/club organization advisor:

  • Be present during meetings and other club/organization-sanctioned events

  • Monitor the process of selecting club officers

  • Assist student officers in maintaining order by supervising meetings and activities to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures are being followed

  • Ensure that appropriate fund-collection and accounting procedures are followed

  • Ensure that all school-wide expectations are met by club members and officers (for example, monthly meetings, supervision following meetings after school, etc)