Value of the IB Programme

Students who earn an IB Diploma have completed two years of comprehensive education incorporating global perspectives and emphasizing critical thinking, depth of understanding, personal connections with the curriculum, and mindful service. They are able to compete with the best students in the world and often earn admission to the finest universities in the country and world. IB graduates who attend public universities in NC typically receive credit for all IB course exams on which they earn a score of 4 or higher on Higher Level exams and 5 or higher on Standard Level exams on the IB 7-point scale.

The IB Diploma Programme is recognized for admission and credit at universities across the USA and the world. Broughton students perform exceptionally well on exams and have IB Diploma pass-rates approximately 15-20% above the US average. In the most recent survey by the IB, 90% of Broughton IB candidates went on to attend their top university choice, compared with 84% of IB students nationally, and 98% of Broughton IB students felt well prepared or very well prepared for college work. They also consistently earn many scholarships and awards.

Global research findings demonstrate that the IB Programme powerfully impacts the experiences and lives of students as the engage with the full range of life's experiences in school and beyond.

Please view these reflections on the value of the IB Programme.

Standford admissions officer and IB parent

From the BHS Class of 2020

From the BHS Class of 2021