Spring Music Fest


IMPORTANT! Information about the concert!

When? May 23rd; students arrive at 5:40pm to their locations

2nd grade- Ms. Perrott/Ms. Olynick's rooms

3rd grade- Ms. Easley/Mr. Danahy's rooms

4th grade- Mr. Cheeley/Ms. Mason's rooms

Where? Brassfield Road Elementary; Gym

Who? All 2nd-4th grade students of ALL tracks

What to wear? Students are encouraged to dress is nice attire but it also comfortable a slightly casual. The term dress casual can be applied and attire choices are up to family discretion. 

When does singing start? We will start the concert at 6pm and have very short intermissions between groups to allow families leave the event and prevent overcrowding in the gym. 

If there are any questions please email me: kendres@wcpss.net

-Mr. Endres

Would you like to help?

Hello Brassfield Families!

We are in need of any help available for this awesome end of the year music event. The students have been working very hard on the material and they are doing a great job! We need any help that can be provided and if you would like to sign up please click HERE to go to the Google sheets help sign up. All volunteers MUST be approved volunteers before signing up due to guidelines of our school and best practices. If you do not provide an email address on the sign up sheet please send me a private email on using this email address: kendres@wcpss.net 

Thank you for the ongoing support of our music programming and our school. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating the end of the year with a fun time!

2nd Grade Songs

y2mate.is - ben_e_king___stand_by_me__lyrics_-7rZyI7kPZMI-1080pp-1701699834.mp4

Stand By Me

y2mate.is - Coldplay Viva la Vida Lyrics -y4zdDXPYo0I-1080pp-1701699779.mp4

Viva La Vida

3rd Grade songs

y2mate.is - Daniel Powter Bad Day Lyrics --rYjfciwWGk-1080pp-1701699925.mp4

Bad Day

y2mate.is - Skillet Feel Invincible Lyrics Video -J4JisubEvSI-1080pp-1701699883.mp4


4th Grade songs 

y2mate.is - White Stripes Seven Nation Army CFC Band Kids Rock Band-MLt1jzB6d1Q-1080pp-1701700205.mp4

Seven Nation Army

Hoobastank - The Reason (Lyrics).mp4

The Reason

Songs Lead Sheets (music we use to sing from in class)

Under Construction.... COMING SOON!