Middle School Information

If you are like us, it's hard to believe that in a few short months our 5th grade students will be headed off to Middle School!  Yikes!  This transition can be very exciting, stressful and a little scary at times.  Together, we'd like to work with you to make this transition as smooth and as stress-free as possible.  Please continue to check this page for Middle School Open House Dates, Registration Information, etc. 


Mrs. Spencer & Mrs. Bush

Middle School Important Dates

Coming soon!

Middle School Math Information

Please visit the Wake County Middle School Math Resources page for information on math placement, curriculum and support at the Middle School level.  

WCPSS Middle School Information

Please click here for information regarding athletics, TDap vaccinations, course recommendations, etc. from Wake County. 


Every year, without a doubt, the biggest fear among our rising 6th graders is the fear of opening a combination lock. To help alleviate this fear I teach our 5th grade students how to open combination locks during lunch.  However, I highly encourage students(parents) to purchase a lock of their own to practice, practice and practice over the summer!