Mrs. Habel


Hello Firefly Familes! It's nice to meet you!

About Mrs. Habel

 This is my seventh year teaching and my first year in 3rd! I believe that what we learn with joy, we remember most! I hope to make this year a joyful year of learning for third graders.

Education: I graduated from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2016 with my Bachelor's degree. Recently, in February of 2023, I graduated with my Master's in English from Southern New Hampshire University. 

Family: My husband and I have a daughter named Charlie Rae. She will be two in October 2023. We have a dog named Vixie. Most of my extended family lives in Michigan. We moved to NC for Mr. Habel's job with American Tower Corporation.

Hobbies: I love reading! With a toddler at home, most books are at her level. But I am working through Brene' Brown's Daring Greatly. I also love to be outdoors, swimming, fishing, hiking, and gardening.