Ms. Cheung

Beckie Cheung

Rhymes with "lung".  Now you can breath easy.  


I'm from Fremont, California and moved to the area summer of 2022.  I have taught a few years of 3rd grade, 11 years of 4th, a sprinkle of years at 5th, and was a math coach for 5 years before moving to North Carolina.  I graduated from UC Davis, earned my teaching credential at Cal State East Bay, and my Masters in Curriculum from San Jose State University a loooong time ago.  I'm good at teaching reading, writing, math and science.  To be completely honest, I know a lot about California history, but I know nothing about North Carolina history and will be learning right along with students.  

My husband and I have a middle schooler and a kindergartener.  I enjoy biking, hiking, and joining students on their learning journey.  


Meet The Teacher: Monday, July 10th, Track 1 is at 10:30am-

First Day of School for Track 1:  Tuesday, July 11th

My Favorite Things

Store/Restaurant -       Nordstroms, Starbucks, Target, Costco, sushi, ramen, boba, Erik's Deli, Sassool.

Color - rainbow colors and black

Treat/Candy - I love coffee every morning.  I also enjoy dark chocolate and roasted brussel sprouts. Separately.  

Likes/ Hobbies - swimming, biking, hiking, cooking, yoga, beaches, mountains, cooking, traveling, working on my Cantonese, laughing and learning.