Day 4

August 27th Student Learning Sessions

Welcome to Day 4 of Your

Virtual Orientation!

Session 1: Help Your Parents Figure This Out: Ways to Help Your Parents Navigate the Virtual Meet The Teacher Night

In this session, students are encouraged to find a way to make sure their parents can participate in the Virtual Meet The Teacher Night tonight! Parents will need to have your passwords, know how to log into Powerschool, and know your schedule! If they aren't home right now, practice your emailing skills and email the information to them! If they are, sit down and show them what they will need to have a successful night!

Session 2: Clubs, Athletics, and Extra-Curricular Activities Update: What we know right now and what we don’t

In this session, students will hear about updates on Clubs and Sports... at least what we know as of right now. You will also see videos from a variety of our clubs and sports teams with students sharing their favorite memories of our AFHS community!

Clubs and Sports Videos

Session 3: The AFHS Staff's Closing Message to Our Students: WE GOT THIS PATFAM!

We Got This Video!

In this session, students will hear a video message from our staff to start off the new school year!