Day 2

August 20th Student Learning Sessions

Welcome to Day 2 of Your

Virtual Student Orientation!

Session 1- So You're Gonna Be Graded: Attendance and Grading Policies and Procedures in Remote Learning

This is the session where you learn about Attendance and Grading Policies and Procedures in Plan B and Virtual Academy. It will be a little different from last Spring! So you need to pay attention!

Session 2- Working Smarter, Not Harder: Tips on Time Management and Organization to Help You Be Successful in Remote Learning

In this session, students will learn helpful tips to learning successfully while at home! You will have simple tips and techniques to making your online learning environment the best it can be to start the school year off right!

Session 3- Netiquette: Understanding Social Expectations in the Classroom While Learning Online

In this session, students will learn the needed etiquette to participate in an online learning environment. We will help to show you the importance of speaking up in class, being prepared to be called on and how to talk to other students in this environment.!

Session 4- Speak Up!: The Importance of Talking and Participating Online

In this session, students will learn how to contact their teachers, how to participate in a virtual classroom. This session supports students self advocating skills and communication skills with their teachers.