Week at a Glance

Week of March 10th

Module 3 Unit 3

Week of February 18th - February 21st

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Module 3 Unit 2 Lesson 1 - Learning from the Narrator’s Point of View: Introducing Flush

Warm Up -Get Flush Book

  • I can analyze how an author develops a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view. (RL.6.6)

  • I can make ethical connections between World Without Fish and Flush. (RL.6.11)


  1. Read Chapter 1 of Flush and answer the question on your homework log. Chapter 1 Audio

  2. Work on Chapter 1 through 3 vocabulary crossword DUE on FRIDAY!

Wednesday: Module 3 Unit 2 Lesson 2- Analyzing Point of View and Figurative Language: Noah’s Point of View of the Coral Queen and Dusty Muleman

Warm Up -LINC Lingo: Using Lingo List #1 and LINC Graphic Organizer

  • I can determine the meaning of literal, connotative, and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (RL.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (RL.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene, or chapter fits in and contributes to the development of a literary text. (RL.6.5)

  • I can analyze how an author develops a narrator or speaker’s point of view. (RL.6.6)

  • I can use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph, a word’s position or function in a sentence) to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. (L.6.4a)


  1. Read chapters 2 and 3 of Flush and answer the question on your homework log. Chapter 2 Audio & Chapter 3 Audio

  2. Work on Chapter 1 through 3 vocabulary crossword DUE on FRIDAY!

Thursday: Module 3 Unit 2 Lesson 3 - Analyzing Point of View and Figurative Language: Noah’s Point of View of Lice Peeking

Warm Up - LINC Lingo: Using Lingo List #1 and LINC Graphic Organizer

  • I can determine the meaning of literal, connotative, and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (RL.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (RL.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene, or chapter fits in and contributes to the development of a literary text. (RL.6.5)

  • I can analyze how an author develops a narrator or speaker’s point of view. (RL.6.6)

  • I can use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph, a word’s position or function in a sentence) to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. (L.6.4a)


  1. Read chapters 4 and 5 of Flush and answer the question on your homework log. Chapter 4 Audio & Chapter 5 Audio

  2. Work on Chapter 1 through 3 vocabulary crossword DUE TOMORROW!

Friday: Module 3 Unit 2 Lesson 4 - Analyzing Point of View and Figurative Language: Noah’s Point of View of Florida

Warm Up - LINC Lingo: Using Lingo List #1 and LINC Graphic Organizer

  • I can determine the meaning of literal, connotative, and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (RL.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (RL.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene, or chapter fits in and contributes to the development of a literary text. (RL.6.5)

  • I can analyze how an author develops a narrator or speaker’s point of view. (RL.6.6)

  • I can use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph, a word’s position or function in a sentence) to determine the meaning of a word or phrase. (L.6.4a)

Homework: Read chapters 6 and 7 of Flush and answer the question on your homework log. Chapter 6 Audio & Chapter 7 Audio

Week of January 21st- January 24th

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Gist and Answering Text-Dependent Questions: Chapter 5 of WWF

Warm Up -Using page 60 in WWF, find Kurlansky’s point of view that show his anger and disappointment in Huxley’s impact on fish depletion. Be sure to add this information to your graphic organizer on page 18 in your workbook. DON’T FORGET TO UNDERLINE THE CONTEXT CLUES IN THE MIDDLE COLUMN!!!

  • Students will determine an author’s point of view or purpose in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

  • Students will explain how an author's point of view is conveyed in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI6.4)

Homework: Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 9” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 10 and answer the question on your homework log

Wednesday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 10- Analyzing Author's Point of View: Chapter 5 WWF

Warm Up -Be ready to learn.

  • Students will determine an author’s point of view or purpose in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

  • Students will explain how an author's point of view is conveyed in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI.6.4)

Homework: Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 10 ” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 11 and answer the question on your homework log

Thursday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 11 - End of Unit Assessment: Analyzing Author's Point of View and How it is Conveyed

Warm Up - None

  • Students will determine an author’s point of view or purpose in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

  • Students will explain how an author's point of view is conveyed in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

Homework: Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part11 ” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 12 and answer the question on your Homework Journal Log.


Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 11 - End of Unit Assessment: Analyzing Author's Point of View and How it is Conveyed

Warm Up - None

  • Students will determine an author’s point of view or purpose in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

  • Students will explain how an author's point of view is conveyed in an informational text. (RI.6.6)

Homework: None

Week of January 13th- January 17th

Monday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 5- Tracing the idea of Fish Depletion in Chapter 2

Warm Up -

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how key individuals, events, or ideas are developed throughout a text. (RI.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI.6.4)


  • Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 3” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 2 and answer the question on your homework log

Tuesday & Wednesday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 6 - Mid-Unit Assessment: Analyzing Idea Development in Chapter 3 of World Without Fish

Warm Up -

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how key individuals, events, or ideas are developed throughout a text. (RI.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI.6.4)

Homework: Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 4” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 3 and answer the question on your homework log

Thursday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 6 - Mid-Unit Assessment: Analyzing Idea Development in Chapter 3 of World Without Fish

Warm Up -

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how key individuals, events, or ideas are developed throughout a text. (RI.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI.6.4)

Homework: Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 5 ” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 4 and answer the question on your homework log

Friday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 3 - Introducing the Struggle for Survival in the Introduction of World Without Fish

Warm Up -

  • I determine the meaning of literal and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene or chapter fits into the development of a literary text. (R.L.6.5)

  • I can demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 6 ” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of Chapter 5 and answer the question on your Homework Journal Log.

Week of January 6th- January 10th

Monday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 1 - Introducing a World Without Fish

Warm Up - QuickWrite

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how key individuals, events, or ideas are developed throughout a text. (RI. 6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI 6.4)

Homework: Fill in the blank vocabulary using the pages read in class. (pages x-xii - stop at “Generation in History”) due Thursday

Tuesday: Setting

Warm Up -

  • Students will determine read an excerpt of text and draw the setting based on details from what they read.

Homework: Fill in the blank vocabulary using the pages read in class. (pages x-xii - stop at “Generation in History”) due Thursday

Wednesday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Introduction: The Ideas of Charles Darwin

Warm Up - Work on Setting

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how key individuals, events, or ideas are developed throughout a text. (RI. 6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI 6.4)

Homework: Fill in the blank vocabulary using the pages read in class. (pages x-xii - stop at “Generation in History”) due Thursday

Thursday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 3 - Introducing the Struggle for Survival in the Introduction of World Without Fish

Warm Up - Work on Setting

  • I determine the meaning of literal and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene or chapter fits into the development of a literary text. (R.L.6.5)

  • I can demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Using the text from today’s lesson work on your Fill in the Blank Vocabulary - Due Monday!

  • Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 1” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of the Introduction and answer the question on your Homework Journal Log.

Friday: Module 3 Unit 1 Lesson 4 - Tracing the Idea of Fish Depletion: Chapter 1

Warm Up -Finish Text Dependent Questions on pages 7-9 in the workbook

  • I can determine a theme based on details in a literary texts. (R.L.6.2)

  • I can summarize a literary text using only information from the text. (R.L.6.2)

  • I can determine the meaning of literal and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene or chapter fits into the development of a literary text. (R.L.6.5)

  • I can analyze figurative language, word relations, and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Using the text from today’s lesson work on your Fill in the Blank Vocabulary - Due Monday!

  • Read “The Story of Kram and Ailat: Part 2” (The Graphic Novel) at the end of the Introduction and answer the question on your Homework Journal Log.

Week of January 2nd - January 3rd


Warm Up - None

  • Students will participate in SCOOT, answering EOG style questions on vocabulary, figurative language, and text dependent.

Homework: None


Warm Up - QuickWrite

  • Students will participate in SCOOT, answering EOG style questions on vocabulary, figurative language, and text dependent.

Homework: None

Week of December 9th - December 13th


Warm Up - Read "Bad Hair Day" on page 126 in workbook.

  • Students will be introduced to concrete poems.

Homework: Any missing work.

Tuesday: Brainstorm Concrete Poem Ideas

Warm Up - Sit with shoulder buddy and write down all MODERN day adversities faced by people your age

  • Students will brainstorm ideas to write their individual modern day adversity concrete poem using workbook pages 143 & 144.

  • Students will begin to create their concrete poems if time permits.

Homework: Any missing work.

Wednesday: Create Concrete Poem

Warm Up - Share yesterday's concrete poem brainstorm.

  • Students will create their modern day concrete poem.

Homework: Any missing work.

Thursday: Finish Concrete Poem

Warm Up - None

  • Students will finish your modern day adversity concrete poem.

  • If there is time, students will participate in a gallery walk to view each others poems.

Homework: Any missing work.

Friday: 6-3 Movie Day

Warm Up -None

  • Students will celebrate their successes this quarter by watching a movie.

Homework: None

Week of December 9th - December 13th


Warm Up - Figurative Language

  • Students will begin preparing for their end of unit assessment.

    • Completing pages 76, 70, 88, & 89 in EL Workbook

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Complete any work not finished in class.


Warm Up - Figurative Language

  • Students will begin preparing for their end of unit assessment.

    • Students will select one of three monologues and complete an ACE graphic organizer.

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Completing the ACE graphic organizer if not completed in class..


Warm Up - None

  • Students will take a Cold Read test and complete test corrections. Students who receive 70% or lower are required to a make corrections.

Homework: Independent Reading Project - Second 7 Reading Responses due TOMORROW


Warm Up - Figurative Language

  • Students will do their end of unit assessment.

Homework: Work on Biopoem, due Monday

Friday: Module 2 Unit 2 Mid-Unit Assessment

Warm Up -Figurative Language

  • Students will finish their end of unit assessment.

Homework: Biopoem, due Monday.

Week of December 2nd - December 7th

Monday: Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 1 & 2

Students will receive this unit's assigned book Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village (GMSL)

Warm Up - Write a Bio Poem about Barbary from GMSL

  • I can determine a theme based on a literary text. (R.L. 6.2)

  • I can cite text-based evidence to support the analysis of a literary text. (R.L.6.1)

  • I can determine a theme based on details in a literary text. (R.L.6.2)

  • I can analyze figurative language word relationships and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Read "Isobel" pages 42-44 in GMSL and determine the adversity of the monologue.

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 3

Warm Up - Update your Adversity Chart on page 59 in your EL Workbook

  • I determine the meaning of literal and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze figurative language word relationships and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Read "Mogg, the Villein's Daughter" pages 24-26 in GMSL and determine the adversity of the monologue.

Wednesday: Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 4

Students will spend the second half of class at the Book Fair.

Warm Up - Update your Adversity Chart on page 67 in your EL Workbook

  • I can cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of a literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • I can determine a theme based on details in a literary text. (R.L.6.2)

  • I can use the relationship between particular words to better understand each of the words. (R.L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (R.L.6.5c)

Homework: Independent Reading Project

IF NOT FINISHED IN CLASS - Complete the Adversity Chart on page 68 in your EL Workbook for "Taggot, the Blacksmith's Daughter".

Read ""Jack the Half-Wit" pages 30-33 in GMSL and determine the adversity of the monologue.

Thursday: Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 5

Warm Up - Update your Adversity Chart on page 69 in your EL Workbook

  • I determine the meaning of literal and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene or chapter fits into the development of a literary text. (R.L.6.5)

  • I can demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Read "Pask the Runaway" pages 62-63 in GMSL and determine the adversity of the monologue.

Friday: Module 2 Unit 2 Mid-Unit Assessment

Warm Up -Update your Adversity Chart on page 76 in your EL Workbook

  • I can determine a theme based on details in a literary texts. (R.L.6.2)

  • I can summarize a literary text using only information from the text. (R.L.6.2)

  • I can determine the meaning of literal and figurative language (metaphors and similes) in literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how an author’s word choice affects tone and meaning in a literary text. (R.L.6.4)

  • I can analyze how a particular sentence, stanza, scene or chapter fits into the development of a literary text. (R.L.6.5)

  • I can analyze figurative language, word relations, and nuances in word meanings. (L.6.5)

  • I can interpret figures of speech in context. (L.6.5a)

  • I can use the relationships between particular words to better understand each of the words. (L.6.5b)

  • I can distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions). (L.6.5c)

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Read "Why Not? Why Not Blame the Jews?" pages 58-59 in GMSL and determine the adversity of the monologue.

Saturday : Catch Up Day

Warm Up -Update your Adversity Chart on page 76 in your EL Workbook

  • Students will use ELA to get caught up on any assignments or work they need to.

Homework: Independent Reading Project

Week of November 18th- November 22nd

Monday: Present End of Unit Assessment with the Class

Warm Up - None

  • Students will show how I wrote an informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will show how I produced clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will show how I used evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Read your Adversity Book

Tuesday: Present End of Unit Assessment with the Class

Warm Up - None

  • Students will show how I wrote an informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will show how I produced clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will show how I used evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Read your Adversity Book

Wednesday: No School

Thursday: No School -Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday: No School

Week of November 18th- November 22nd

Monday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 11 End of Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: None

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 11 End of Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: None

Wednesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 11 End of Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: None

Thursday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 11 End of Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Have a Family Member Read your Adversity Slide

Read Your Adversity Book

Friday: Independent Reading Assignment

Independent Reading Assignment

Warm Up - None

    • Students will select a book from the media center that has an adversity in it.

    • Students will create a plan for my Adversity Project.

    • Students will begin reading for my Adversity Project.

Homework: Read your Adversity Book

Week of November 11th- November 16th

Monday: Welcome Back!

Warm Up - None

    • Students will make corrections to their myths.

    • Students will work on their digital portfolio in preparation for Student-Led Conferences.

Homework: None

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 9

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)


  • Read The Adversities

  • Look at the information you have collected in your RN. Which three adversities do you think you would like to focus on? Why? (EL Workbook Pg. 29)

Wednesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 10

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Complete the three graphic organizers, one for each adversity (EL Workbook Pg. 31-33)

Thursday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 11

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: None

Friday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 12

Warm Up - None

  • Students will write informative/explanatory text that convey ideas and concepts using relevant information that is carefully selected and organized. (W.6.2)

  • Students will produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (W.6.4)

  • Students will use evidence from a variety of grade-appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: None

Saturday : Grammar Review

Warm Up - None

    • Students will review the various parts of speech.

Homework: None

Week of November 4th- November 8th

Track Out - Enjoy Your Vacation

Week of October 28th - November 1st

Track Out - Enjoy Your Vacation

Week of October 21st - October 25th

Track Out - Enjoy Your Vacation

Week of October 14th - October 18th

Monday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 7

Warm Up - None

    • Students will identify details in a text that answer my research question.

    • Students will summarize the relevant details for my research.

Homework: None

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Mid-Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases in an excerpt of text.

  • Students will explain how a section of text contributes to the meaning of the whole text.

  • Students will identify details in texts that answer my research question.

  • Students will identify the main idea of a text and summarize the relevant details for my research.

Homework: None

Wednesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Mid-Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases in an excerpt of text.

  • Students will explain how a section of text contributes to the meaning of the whole text.

  • Students will identify details in texts that answer my research question.

  • Students will identify the main idea of a text and summarize the relevant details for my research.

Homework: None

Thursday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Mid-Unit Assessment

Warm Up - None

  • Students will determine the meaning of words and phrases in an excerpt of text.

  • Students will explain how a section of text contributes to the meaning of the whole text.

  • Students will identify details in texts that answer my research question.

  • Students will identify the main idea of a text and summarize the relevant details for my research.

Homework: None

Friday: Digital Portfolio

Warm Up - 7 Minute Quick Write

  • Students will work on their Digital Portfolios.

Homework: None

Week of October 7th - October 11th

Monday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 3

Warm Up - 5 Minute Quick Write

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (R.I.6.2)

  • Students will summarize an informational text using only information from the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits in and contributes to the development of ideas in a text. (RI.6.5)


1. Finish page 9 in the EL Workbook if not completed in class.

2. Re-read “Middle Ages” Excerpt 1 and answer the question on page 10 in EL Workbook: Which of the groups of people in this excerpt would you like to do further research on? Which group interests you most so far? Why?

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 4

Warm Up Subjects and Predicates

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine the word meaning in informational texts.(RI.6.4)


1. Re-read “Middle Ages” Excerpt 2 and answer the question on page 15 in the EL Workbook: The second paragraph states, “As private wars became less frequent, trade became easier.” How does this sentence move the excerpt into describing life in the towns?

Wednesday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 5

Warm Up: Subjects & Predicates

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will summarize an informational text using only information from the text. (RI.6.2)

  • Students will analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits in and contributes to the development of ideas in a text. (RI.6.5)


1. Read pages 32-35 in the EL Workbook for the gist. Be sure to write the gist in the margins!

Thursday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 6

Warm Up -Subjects & Predicates.

  • Students will conduct short research projects to answer a question. (W.6.7)

  • Students will use several sources in my research. (W.6.7)

  • Students will refocus or refine my question when appropriate. (W.6.7)


1.. Read pages 36-38 in the EL Workbook for the gist. Be sure to write the gist in the margins!

Friday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 7

Warm Up - Highlight all subjects and predicates in Monday's QuickWrite

  • Students will conduct short research projects to answer a question. (W.6.7)

  • Students will use several sources in my research. (W.6.7)

  • Students will refocus or refine my question when appropriate. (W.6.7)

Homework: IF NOT DONE ALREADY - Read pages 32-38 in the EL Workbook for the gist. Be sure to write the gist in the margins!

Week of September 30th - October 4th

Monday: No School - Teacher Workday

Homework: None

Tuesday: Work on Final Draft of Myth - MYTH DUE by the end of Class on Wednesday 10/2.

Warm Up - 5 Minute Quick Write

  • Students will describe how the plot evolves throughout a literary text. (RL.6.3)

  • Students will write narrative texts about real or imagined experiences using relevant details and event sequences that make sense. (W.6.3)

      • A. Students will establish a context for my narrative.

      • B. Students will organize events in a logical sequence.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about sixth-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SI.6.1)

  • Students who finish will work on No Red Ink or Read Theory

Homework: Verbs Due by Friday

Wednesday: Myth due by the end of class!

Warm Up - 4 Types of Sentences

  • Students will describe how the plot evolves throughout a literary text. (RL.6.3)

  • Students will write narrative texts about real or imagined experiences using relevant details and event sequences that make sense. (W.6.3)

      • A. Students will establish a context for my narrative.

      • B. Students will organize events in a logical sequence.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about sixth-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SI.6.1)

Homework: Verbs Due by Friday

Thursday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 1

Warm Up - Practicing 4 Types of Sentences.

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about 6th grade topics, texts, and issues. (S.L.6.1)

  • Students will express my own ideas clearly during discussions. (S.L.6.1)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases. (L.6.4)

Homework: Verbs Due by Friday

Friday: Module 2 Unit 1 Lesson 2

Warm Up - Practicing 4 Types of Sentences.

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine word meaning in informational texts. (RI.6.4)

Homework: None

Week of September 23rd - 27th

Monday: Module 1 Unit 2 End Of Unit Assessment Day 4- FINAL DRAFT DUE BY THE END OF CLASS

  • Students will write an essay that identifies and explains a common theme in the myth of “Cronus” and The Lightning Thief.

Homework: Complete Myth Planning Guide

Tuesday: Plan Myth

  • Students will describe how the plot evolves throughout a literary text. (RL.6.3)

  • Students will write narrative texts about real or imagined experiences using relevant details and event sequences that make sense. (W.6.3)

      • A. Students will establish a context for my narrative.

      • B. Students will organize events in a logical sequence.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about sixth-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SI.6.1)

Homework: Complete pages 107-109 in your workbook if not completed in class.

Wednesday: Plan Myth

  • Students will describe how the plot evolves throughout a literary text. (RL.6.3)

  • Students will write narrative texts about real or imagined experiences using relevant details and event sequences that make sense. (W.6.3)

      • A. Students will establish a context for my narrative.

      • B. Students will organize events in a logical sequence.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about sixth-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SI.6.1)

Homework: Complete Plot Diagram if not finished in class.

Thursday: Write Mth Rough Draft

  • Students will describe how the plot evolves throughout a literary text. (RL.6.3)

  • Students will write narrative texts about real or imagined experiences using relevant details and event sequences that make sense. (W.6.3)

      • A. Students will establish a context for my narrative.

      • B. Students will organize events in a logical sequence.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about sixth-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SI.6.1)

Homework: Finish Rough Draft

Friday: Work on Final Draft of Myth - MYTH DUE by the end of Class on Wednesday 10/2.

  • Students will describe how the plot evolves throughout a literary text. (RL.6.3)

  • Students will write narrative texts about real or imagined experiences using relevant details and event sequences that make sense. (W.6.3)

      • A. Students will establish a context for my narrative.

      • B. Students will organize events in a logical sequence.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about sixth-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SI.6.1)

Homework: Finish Rough Draft

Week of September 16th - 20th

Monday: Module 1 Unit 2 Lesson 15

  • Students will explain how the “struggle for power” element of mythology connects to the myth of Cronus.

  • Students will use details from the text to determine the theme of the myth of Cronus.

Homework: Read Chapter 19 and 20 of the Lighting Thief

Complete 2 activities on your Growth Challenge Board by the end of the week.

Chapter 19 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Chapter 20 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 5

  • Students will identify the structure, argument and specific claims in a model literary analysis essay.

  • Students will use details to determine the theme of The Lightning Thief that connects with the theme I determined in Cronus.

Homework: Read Chapter 21 and 22 of the Lighting Thief

Complete 2 activities on your Growth Challenge Board by the end of the week.

Chapter 21 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Chapter 22 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Wednesday: Module 1 Unit 2 End Of Unit Assessment Day 1

  • Students will plan the introduction of my literary analysis.

  • Students will plan the conclusion of my literary analysis.

Homework: Finish pages 88 to 91 in EL Workbook if not done in class.

Thursday: Module 1 Unit 2 End Of Unit Assessment Day 2

  • Students will write an essay that identifies and explains a common theme in the myth of “Cronus” and The Lightning Thief.

Homework: Work on End of Unit Assessment

Friday: Module 1 Unit 2 End Of Unit Assessment Day 3 - ROUGH DRAFT DUE BY THE END OF CLASS

  • Students will write an essay that identifies and explains a common theme in the myth of “Cronus” and The Lightning Thief.

Homework: Revise rough draft with a family member over the weekend.

Week of September 9th - 13th

Monday: Module 1 Unit 2 Lesson 4

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text (R.I.6.2)

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will determine the theme based on details in a literary text. (R.L.6.2)

Homework: Read Chapter 17 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: How does Percy trick the giant?

Complete 2 activities on your Growth Challenge Board by the end of the week.

Chapter 17 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Tuesday: Module 2 Unit 2 Lesson 5

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases (L.6.4)

Homework: None

Wednesday: Module 1 Unit 2 Mid-Unit Assessment Day 1

  • I can use a model text to guide my writing of an analytical mini-essay.

  • I can use the writing process, and the support of my teachers and peers to plan and draft my analytical mini-essay about Prometheus.

  • I can identify and write clearly about the elements of mythology and a theme in the myth of Prometheus.

  • I can support my thinking with details from the text.

Homework: None

Thursday: Module 1 Unit 2 Mid-Unit Assessment Day 2

  • I can use a model text to guide my writing of an analytical mini-essay.

  • I can use the writing process, and the support of my teachers and peers to plan and draft my analytical mini-essay about Prometheus.

  • I can identify and write clearly about the elements of mythology and a theme in the myth of Prometheus.

  • I can support my thinking with details from the text.

Homework: None

Friday: Cold Read Test

  • Students will read a myth answer 11 comprehension questions.

Homework: None

Week of September 2nd-6th

Monday: No School - Happy Labor Day

Tuesday: Module 1 Unit 2 Lesson 2

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will; determine the theme based on details in a literary text. (R.L.6.2)

Homework: Read Chapter 15 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: Why can't Annabeth help Percy when they get trapped in the pool?

Complete 2 activities on your Growth Challenge Board by the end of the week.

Chapter 15 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Wednesday: Module 1 Unit 3 Lesson

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will determine the theme based on details in a literary text. (R.L.6.2)

Homework: Read Chapter 16 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: Percy's dream has three different parts. What does he see in each scene?

Complete 2 activities on your Growth Challenge Board by the end of the week.

Chapter 16 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Thursday: No School - Hurricane Day

Friday: No School - Hurricane Day

Week of August 26th-30th

Monday: Module 1 Lesson 13

  • Students will go to the media center to check out books.

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text. (R.L.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of grade appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Read Chapter 10 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: What special properties does Riptide have?

Chapter 10 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Tuesday: Module 1 Lesson 13 - Mid-Unit Assessment

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text. (R.L.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of grade appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Read Chapter 11 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: Why does Annabeth say they have to kill Medusa? Why can't they just run away?

Chapter 11 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Wednesday: Module 1 Lesson 13 - Mid-Unit Assessment

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text. (R.L.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of grade appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Read Chapter 12 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: What terrible realization does Percy made toward the end of the dream? What does the voice want from him?

Chapter 12 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Thursday: Module 1 Lesson 13 - Mid-Unit Assessment

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text (R.L.6.1)

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text. (R.L.6.3)

  • Students will use a variety of grade appropriate texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W.6.9)

Homework: Read Chapter 12 of the Lighting Thief and Answer Homework Question: What terrible realization does Percy made toward the end of the dream? What does the voice want from him?

Chapter 13 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Friday: Module 1 Unit 2 Lesson 1

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text (R.I.6.1)

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text (R.I.6.2)

Homework: Be sure you can log into the 4 websites for the Growth Board Challenge

7th Period Log-In

8th Period Log-In

9th Period Log - In

Week of August 19th-23rd

Monday: Reading Catch Up Day

  • Students will listen to Chapter 5 of the Lightning Theif

  • Students will determine what or who makes a hero.

Chapter 5 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Homework: Read Chapter 6 of the Lighting Thief

Chapter 6 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Tuesday: Module 1 Lesson 8.

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text.

  • Students will determine the main idea of an informational text based on details in the text.

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.

  • Students will prepare to participate in discussions.

Homework: Read Chapter 7 of the Lightning Thief and Answer Homework Question: What does Percy wish for as he puts his dinner into the fire?

Chapter 7 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Wednesday: Module 1 Lesson 9

  • Students will examine vocabulary using context clues and word parts.

  • Students will gather important details and determine the main idea of an excerpt of the text “The Hero’s Journey”.

  • Students will make connections between Percy Jackson and “The Hero’s Journey”.

Homework: Read Chapter 8 of the Lightning Thief and Answer Homework Question: How does Percy surprise everyone during his first sword class?

Chapter 8 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Thursday: Module 1 Lesson 10

  • Students will explain the relationship between a quote from The Lightning Thief and a quote from “The Hero’s Journey”.

  • Students will select evidence from “The Hero’s Journey” that aligns with The Lightning Thief.

  • Students will review the model paragraph to describe how excerpts in The Lightning Thief align to “The Hero’s Journey”, citing evidence from both texts

Homework: Read Chapter 9 of the Lightning Thief and Answer Homework Question: Based on the newspaper article that Percy finds under his door, what is happening in the real world while Percy is at camp?

Chapter 9 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Friday: Module 1 Lesson 11

  • Students will get the gist of an excerpt from The Lightning Thief.

  • Students will select evidence from both The Lightning Thief and The Hero’s Journey that shows how Percy is on a hero’s journey.

Homework: Read Chapter 10 of the Lightning Thief and Answer Homework Question: What special properties does Riptide have?

Chapter 10 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Week of July 22nd-26th

Monday: Module 1 Lesson 5

  • Students will can cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text.

  • Students will analyze how an author develops a narrator or speaker’s point of view.

Chapter 4 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Tuesday: Module 1 Lesson 6.

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text.

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text.

  • Students will analyze how an author develops a narrator or speaker’s point of view.

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.

Homework: Reread Chapter 4 of The Lightning Thief in preparation of the Mid-Unit assessment on Wednesday, while reading flag words that start with prefixes .

Chapter 4 of the Lightning Thief Audio

Wednesday: Module 1 Lesson 7: Mid-Unit Assessment

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text.

  • Students will describe how the characters change throughout a literary text.

Homework: None

Thursday: Greek Mythology Fun

  • Students will learn more about Greek gods and goddesses.

Homework: None

Friday: Greek Mythology Fun

  • Students will learn more about Greek gods and goddesses.

Homework: None - Have a GREAT track out!

Week of July 15th-19th

Monday: Finish Module 1 Lesson 1

  • Students will collaborate effectively with peers

  • Students will can get gist of the text ‘Shrouded in Myth’

  • Students will identify unfamiliar vocabulary in ‘Shrouded in Myth’

Homework: Put a rectangle OR highlight unfamiliar vocabulary in 'Shrouded in Myth'

Tuesday: Module 1 Lesson 2

  • Students will cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of literary text.

  • Students will effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about 6th grade topics, texts, and issues.

  • Students will use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.

  • Students will express my own ideas clearly during discussions.

Homework: Read Chapter 1 of The Lightning Thief and complete an I Wonder and I Notice Graphic Organizer about Percy Jackson

Chapter 1 of The Lightning Thief Audio

Wednesday: Module 1 Lesson 3

  • Students will make inferences about Percy in order to understand him as the narrator of this story.

  • Students will cite evidence from the text when answering questions and discussing Percy’s character in The Lightning Thief .”

Homework: Read Chapter 2 of The Lightning Thief and flag evidence to show the challenges that Percy faces in this chapter and how he responds.

Chapter 2 of The Lightning Thief Audio

Thursday: Module 1 Lesson 4

  • Students will make inferences about Percy citing evidence from the text.

  • Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in Chapters 1 and 2 of The Lightning Thief.”

  • Students will cite evidence from the text when answering questions and discussing Percy’s character in The Lightning Thief.”

Homework: Read Chapter 3 of The Lightning Thief. Write a brief summary (gist) of the chapter on a sticky note. Place the sticky note at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 3 of The Lightning Thief Audio

Friday: Media Center Orientation Pt. 2

  • Students will learn to log into their WakeID.

  • Students will learn internet safety and protocols.

  • Students will learn to access important websites used in various classes.

Week of July 8th-12th

Monday: Schedule Pick Up

Tuesday: First Day of School

Students will be learning about classroom rules and procedures.

Wednesday: Students will be learning about their peers and teacher.

Homework: Complete Interest Inventory if not completed in class.

Thursday: Students will learn how to annotate using C.U.R.E

    • C - Circle the main idea.

    • U - Underline key details.

    • R -Respond in the margins.

    • E - Examine vocabulary.

Homework: Complete C.U.R.E using the Greek Mythology article started in class.

Friday: Students will start Module 1.