Need help uploading your assignment? Not sure how to watch a video in full screen?
Need help uploading your assignment? Not sure how to watch a video in full screen?
Find the answers on this page.
Find the answers on this page.
Bite #5 Stand and Deliver (1).mp4
Make sure you are comfortable uploading assignments to Google Classroom. Watch the video to refresh the steps
Bookmark your Tab (an easy way to find your course site)
Fullscreen Video function
When we embed videos, they might look small. One way to see it entirely is to click the square icon at the bottom of the screen.
fullscreen and playback.mp4
Use the playback function
If you want to watch your videos with some extra speed, use the playback function. Click on the gears icon (settings) and choose your playback speed.
How to format and hyperlink in Google Docs.
How to upload files in Google Drive
Use a split screen using Dualless.