On this page you will find answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Can I participate in multiple exchanges?

A: Yes, you are responsible for covering the cost of postage.

Q: Is there a social media hashtag?

A: Yes. #canExchange others have used #CanadianPostcardExchange in the past.

Q: When will I know what exchange I am part of and who is on my list?

A: List's will be sent out in late September via email. From there you will see what classes are on your list.

Q: How do you determine who is on which list?

A: We try to distribute provinces and/or territories across lists. The more people who register the greater variety. However, some provinces/territories have less participation, therefore, the organizer cannot guarantee which provinces and/or territories will be on what list.

Q: I have a small class, is there anyway that I can be on a small list?

A: No. The commitment is for a list of 25 classes (National) or a list of 20 (Ontario). We cannot guarantee that there will be enough interest for a small class. Should there be enough for a small list, than you forgo variety and opt for smaller number of classes on your list.

Q: I teach grade 3/4 and would like to participate in the Nationwide exchange as well as the Ontario exchange. Is this possible?

A: Yes. You will need to register twice - one for the Ontario Exchange and once for the National Exchange. Please understand that you will be responsible to send postcards to ALL classes on both lists. (That's 45 postcards).

Q: Will we be grouped by grade?

A: No. This limits variety on lists.

Q: My small town does not have a personal postcard, can we make one?

A: Yes. We learn from and with each other. The goal is to have students learn about each community.

Q: What do we put on the postcard?

A: Anything you feel is important to note about your community.

Q: Can my french students participate?

A: Yes. The form asks which exchange you wish to participate in -- just sign up for the french exchange.

Q: Do we send out the cards over a period of 6 months or all at once?

A: You decide how and when you would like to send them during the time period of the exchange. (October - April).

Q: How frequently will we be sending letters? Are there themes or topics that we are meant to stay true to? Or is it more student interest based?

A: You send one postcard to each of the classes on your list. The goal is to learn about communities. You and your class can decide what should be included on the postcard.

Q: Are we able to correspond with people on our list?

A: Emails and other personal contact information are kept confidential - so this may be difficult to do.

Q: What other information is available about each community?

A: There will be a google drive folder setup where people can add information about their communities. Material is generally student created.

Q: What information can I add to the google drive folder?

A: Anything you feel would benefit the learning community. Some have added a slide-deck, memo, infographics, brochures, links to student created webpages, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Q: I've made an error on my registration, can I change the information?

A: Yes, you will receive a confirmation of registration receipt to your email. Here you can preview and edit your form to ensure your information is up-to-date and accurate.

Q: I teach multiple classes, can they all participate?

A: Yes, you can register as many classes as you want -- just remember you are responsible for postage.

Q: Will there be an exchange in French for Ontario only?

A: No, but we will consider this for future exchanges.

Q: If my grade changes from a slit-grade to a straight, will I be able to switch to the Ontario only group?

A: Yes, you will have editing privileges until September 11th .

Q: Do we have to send a postcard or can we send a letter and pictures?

A: Yes. Anything to help students learn about your community. The possibilities are endless.

Q: Can we send pamphlets, pins or other items from our community?

A: Yes. This will be great learning materials. Remember, you are responsible for postage.

Q: Can multiple classes from the same school participate?

A: Yes. Absolutely. This is a learning adventure.

Q: Can home-schoolers, day cares, preschools, and after school clubs participate?

A: Yes. The goal is to educate our young Canadians.

Q: Can I sign-up for both the Canada and the Ontario Exchange?

A: Yes. Multiple exchange participation is welcomed.