
[ Outlined underneath are the key components of a SAYV Project event. If you have questions or suggestions, please visit our Contact page to find out how to get ahold of us. ]


During each event, we intend the main focus to be on the speech of young people. As you may have guessed from the Project's name, each speech is intended to be called a Vision. These speeches, by principle, are meant to be performed exclusively by young people. Although each speech tends to focus on exploring an aspect of social or global awareness, speech is not intended to be this restrictive. During our previous event, someone conveyed the struggle of living as a black man through a dramatic spoken word piece as opposed to a speech, demonstrating that multiple forms of spoken performance can be effective.


At least one host should be present during each event to lead the transitions between each speech. The host(s) is/are generally responsible for facilitating the dialogue that may occur after each person's speech. Additionally, these hosts may play a part in organizing the event, securing a space in which the event can be held, promoting the event, etc.


In SAYV Project, we prioritize dialogue. There are many forms that incorporating this aspect can take on. However, what we mean by dialogue is intentional time to engage in discourse and discussion involving both the speaker and the audience. Generally, the hosts of each event are meant to facilitate this process and make sure that each person's opinions are treated with respect.


SAYV events are intended to engage as many community members as possible, no matter their age. Despite the Project's emphasis on young people, we encourage adults to attend these events so they can hear the voices and opinions of younger generations. In order to engage as many people from as many different backgrounds as possible, we highly encourage providing food in order to provide incentive for people to attend. Besides, everyone loves food.


We highly suggest that the visions done at your SAYV Event, if you are to host one, are filmed, so they can be uploaded on this website. This way, we can maximize access to the ideas and opinions of all young people who speak at an event.