WTPS 1:1

Ready to Innovate

The Wayne Township Public School District has been working to create a learning environment where technology is not an obstacle in instruction, but rather a catalyst for learning.

To create a Future Ready Environment, it is necessary to have a robust network infrastructure that is capable of meeting the needs for instructional purposes and a network that is able to grow as the demand for instructional technology increases.

The shift to a Future Ready Environment has created more opportunities for students to utilize digital tools which has led to an increase in cloud-based services and subscriptions. These services and subscriptions aim at increasing student engagement and achievement. The tools allow students and staff 24 hour access to these instructional resources. With students and staff having anytime anywhere access, learning is no longer bound to the classroom walls but creates an environment where students are Ready to Innovate.

Goal & Objectives

Equip all students to use technology actively in their learning path by constructing knowledge, collaborating, communicating and thinking globally in a 21st century environment according to age appropriate developmental expectations.

1: Students will recognize the responsibilities and opportunities of growing up in a connected global society; the importance of digital citizenship and the impact of their digital


2: Students will utilize technology in real-world applications to demonstrate problem solving skills.

3: Students will utilize technology to connect with other learners to increase their perspective to explore locally and think globally.

4: Students will have an increased opportunity to demonstrate multimodal learning through a variety of digital platforms, tools, and formats aligned to the learning outcome.