Schuyler Colfax Middle School 

School Counseling Department

In an effort to further support the social, emotional, and academic needs of our students, the Schuyler-Colfax Guidance Department will continue grade level looping, wherein each counselor is assigned a grade level of students to follow throughout their three years. 

Mrs. Gorman

Grade 6 Counselor-Class of 2026

973-633-3130 x5054

Ms. Kuhn

Grade 8 Counselor-Class of 2024

973-633-3130 x5052

Mrs. Vivino

Grade 7 Counselor-Class of 2025

973-633-3130 x5053


Please monitor your child’s social media; it is a great tool to gain some insight.

The guidance counselor plays a very important role in development of each child at Schuyler-Colfax Middle School. Each counselor will meet with her assigned students to introduce herself and discuss her role in the student’s academic career. In addition to counseling students on their academics, the guidance counselors also mediate stressful middle school issues as well as facilitate programs.

For the sixth graders, the Guidance Department provides discussions on the use of the planner and middle school responsibilities. An introduction to career exploration begins in the sixth grade using the NJ CAN Program  (New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator Program).   Most importantly, the counselors assist in the transition to middle school and establish a relationship between counselor and student. 

For the seventh graders, the Guidance Department continues the exploration of careers using the NJ CAN  Program.  They also counsel the students in academic and social concerns, by monitoring their progress throughout the year.

For the eighth graders, the Guidance Department provides high school orientation and individual scheduling appointments. They meet with individual students early in the year to discuss high school expectations and career choices that have been discovered and developed through the NJ CAN Program.

If at anytime during the year, students have any concerns regarding academic, social, or family matters, they can see their counselor for assistance. The best time to see the counselor is during study or lunch.

Counselor’s names appear on student schedules or you can refer to the list above. In addition to individual and group counseling services, parents may seek advice about scheduling, career information, extracurricular activities, educational programs and their child’s developmental issues. Parents/Guardians may call the guidance office 973-633-3130 ext. 20 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to discuss student progress or to make an appointment. 

To request assignments after an absence of three or more days, please email or call the Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Lisella at or 973-633-3130 ext. 20.The goal of the Schuyler-Colfax Guidance Counselors is to create a positive and productive learning environment for every student during their middle school years.You may contact your child's Guidance Counselor via email or phone. When e-mailing your child's guidance counselor, please put your name & your child's name in the subject line.