Physical Activity

Benefits of Physical Activity

1. LONGEVITY - People who are physically active live longer.

2. NEW BRAIN CELL DEVELOPMENT - exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells.

3. CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH - Regular exercising makes your heart, like any other muscle, stronger.

4. CHOLESTEROL LOWERING EFFECT - Exercise itself doesn't burn off cholesterol, however, it decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL(good) cholesterol.

5. PREVENTION and CONTROL OF DIABETES - Moderate physical activity combined with weight loss and balanced diet can confer a 50-60% reduction in risk of developing diabetes.

6. BLOOD PRESSURE - All forms of exercise seem to be effective in reducing blood pressure.

7. REDUCE RISK OF STROKE - Moderate and high levels of physical activity may reduce the risk of a stroke.

8. WEIGHT CONTROL - Regular exercise helps to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

9. MUSCLE STRENGTH - Strength training increases muscle strength and mass and decreases fat tissue.

10. BONE STRENGTH - Exercise promotes bone formation, delays bone loss and may protect against osteoporosis.

11. SLEEP - The natural dip in body temp 5-6 hours after exercise may help one to fall asleep.