WHSD Wellness
Welcome to our WHSD Wellness Site
Welcome to our WHSD Wellness Site
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Wayne Highlands Coordinated School Health Program Mission Statement
Wayne Highlands Coordinated School Health Program Mission Statement
The Wayne Highlands Coordinated School Health Program's mission is to empower, promote, and support students, staff, families, and communities toward a healthy lifestyle through:
1. Lifelong Physical Activity and Wellness Techniques
2. Nutrition and Health Education to Teach Healthy Choices
3. Creation of Healthy Environments in Home, School, and Community
4. Strengthening Self-Awareness to Achieve Personal Best
DisclaimerThe Wayne Highlands School District Wellness Website contains links to general information and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Physician advice should be sought for any specific condition. Reference in this website to any specific commercial product, process, service, manufacturer or company does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Wayne Highlands School District. Wayne Highlands School District is not responsible for the off-site contents of any web page or link referenced.