College Admission Tests

What Test Do I Need To Take?

If you are planning to apply to a 2yr or 4yr college or university, you will need to take the ACT or SAT. All juniors will take the ACT at West during second semester. It is NOT necessary to take both tests unless there is a specific need, such as applying to a highly selective college that prefers the SAT or a requirement as a semifinalist in the National Merit program. The SAT is offered at Wausau East.

Northcentral Technical College accepts ACT scores, as do other Wisconsin technical colleges.


The ACT assesses high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The test consists of 215 multiple choice questions in four areas : English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. An additional optional test, the Writing Test, measures skills in planning and writing a short essay. The composite maximum score is 36. Some colleges require students to take the Writing Test so be sure to check the admission guidelines. Since 2015, all juniors in Wisconsin are required to take the ACT plus Writing Test in the spring. The test takes place at school and is free.

How do I prepare for the ACT or SAT?

Check out these websites for free test prep materials. You can also pick up a practice booklet in the Counseling Office or Career Center. Test prep books are also available for checkout in the Counseling Office and Career Center.

ACT Test Prep Resources SAT Prep Resources-The College Board

Number 2 (ACT and SAT prep) Wausau West Counseling Department-ACT Prep Resources

How do I register for the ACT?

Register online to retake the ACT. You will need to know your ACT ID number, which is located on the letter you received from ACT after you took the test at West. You must upload a photo of yourself to complete the registration (your photo on the portal is the ideal photo to upload). You can go the the Career Center for help. Note: Fee waivers are available for those students who are eligible. See your counselor for more information.

How do I register for the SAT?

Go to to register online. Note: Fee waivers are available for students who are eligible. See your counselor for more information.